Tuesday 8 January 2013

People Who Inspire Me: Lana Del Rey

I'm really sorry it takes me forever to put up a new blog post- I'm new to Blogger and half of the stuff I write decides to vanish in the transit from the Blogger app on my phone to my laptop :( No worries though, as the #1 thing on my New Years Resolutions is to blog more often, and I intend on making that happen through 2013!

Today I'm going to talk about one of my biggest idols and inspirations- in fact I'm going to start a new chain of blogs talking about the people who inspire me over the next 3 weeks! I'll upload a blog a week talking about the idols, heroes and heroines that motivate me to get out of bed and carry on when times are tough.

Number One on the list is undoubtedly Lana Del Rey. For those of you who might not yet be familiar with her, Lana, or Lizzy Grant, is an American singer-songwriter. Her music captivates me from the very first note, fulfills me and makes me feel happy yet heartbroken; her husky voice gives me a feeling of prettiness and toleration; like nothing matters in life, except love.

I first discovered Lana when I downloaded Video Games to my iPod for the only reason being that I was dying to get new songs on it. It instantly attracted me to this never-heard-before singer and her gorgeous way of expressing heartbreak. Her way of using words was not only poetic but also deeply touching, and Video Games remains one of her best known, and my most liked songs of hers.

I went on to buy her album, Born To Die, after Youtube had no more new songs of hers to offer. It took me a while, but soon I couldn't stop listening to it. In the car, at home, before bed, the minute I woke up, the minute I got back from school, all I did was listen to her beautiful songs, over and over, until each word was memorized, and each phrase became mine.

One of the songs on her album, Radio, was also where I got my inspiration from to write a blog. When I got back from Lithuania last Summer, I felt I needed to show everyone I was good at something- writing. I didn't know how to, I didn't know where to start, but I did know I wanted to write about my life, fashion and beauty. Radio inspired me to go and do so, to stop being lazy and to do what would make me even more unique.

                               'Now my life is sweet like cinnamon
                               Like a fuckin' dream I'm livin' in
                               Baby love me cos I'm playin' on the radio
                               How do you like me now?'

And so, I named my blog 'sweet like cinnamon' - because that's exactly how I am. Sweet, yet bitter.

Surprised as you might be, I did get sick Born To Die eventually, and I decided to take a journey back to when the whole world didn't yet know Lana.

The album I turned to was Kill Kill, which due to different problems, had to be taken out of production. Even though the music was much slower, and there was a lot less lyrics, the songs were still as meaningful. My favourite became a song similar to Video Games in numerous ways- Pawnshop Blues.

                               'Well I pawned the earrings 
                               That you gave me
                               Gold and middle flowers dangling
                               And I almost cried
                               As I saw them go'

As insignificant as these lyrics might seem, they described the feelings that I felt due to a time I was going through perfectly. They were still sad, still heartbreaking and still motivational- one of many of Del Rey's qualities.

A couple of months back, Lana released a new edition of Born To Die- The Paradise Edition. The new songs are more dark, yet still so Lana- and there's also a song that's really similar to Video Games and Pawnshop Blues- American.
                              You make me crazy
                              You make me wild
                              Just like a baby; spin me round like a child
                              Your skin so gold and brown
                              Be young be dope be proud
                              Like an american

Lana has motivated me to do so much things, to go for living life a little on the wild side, yet still be myself. Even her appearance  fashion and beauty wise, is absolutely gorgeous. Her signature dark long thick hair, her winged eyeliner, dark lips. She adores vintage-type of clothing, ticking all the boxes from the 1950's onward.

She motivates a lot of bloggers and fashion lovers world wide, she inspired people through her music, and sometimes even changes some peoples lives a little- like she did mine.

Photo from Google Images. 

Gaby x

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