Saturday 13 April 2013

Cara Delevingne

Ask anyone- I go mental for fashion, but not so much the models themselves. I don't crave their bodies (I do agree with everyone else- they are too skinny), I just see them as bulimic  slaves that have devoted their lives to fashion a little too much. Their thin bodies and cold stares sometimes put me off their actual outfit, I mean do you really need to look so unhappy whilst modelling next season's Chanel? 

Every once in a while however, I spot absolutely gorgeous women modelling in glossy magazines or posing in Dior's new foundation (yes Natalie, I'm talking about you) that make my eyes widen as to how pretty they actually are. Thick natural locks, flawless ivory skin, eyes that gaze into your soul, legs that go on for miles, high cheekbones- the works. Examples include Zoella, Natalie Portman, Lana Del Rey, Angelina Jolie- not necessarily models, but beautiful women that are both a role model and a style crush, and Cara Delevingne is one of them.

The reason why I'm blogging about her is because she's a great fashion inspiration to have- she wears whatever she likes, doesn't overdo her make up (but does overdo her brows- in a good way!) or spend hours at her hair like most celebrities- she's young and doesn't want to be spending too much time on her hair when she could be out having fun with her friends, and looking unbelievably gorgeous in paparazzi photos, or rollerskating down a catwalk in front of Justin Bieber whilst in her underwear.

As if being a perfectly gorgeous model that's done Chanel, Burberry and Moschino that's barely 20 years old isn't enough, Cara has also gone out with Harry Styles. Oh Cara, I hate you :C (haha).

Anyway, enough of me rambling, here's some gorgeous pics of the gorgeous Cara. I'll be posting again soon:)



Cara and Rita Ora call one another 'wifeys'

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for reading!

Gaby x

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