Saturday 20 October 2012

My First Blog Post

My First Blog Post:)

I'm going to be honest- this feels amazing! A year ago, I didn't even know what a flippin' blog was- and today I'm actually writing one! Finally, that is. It took me a loong time to give myself enough courage to start my own blog, because I kept worrying people won't like it or I was going to get bullied on it or whatever, but now, when I actually am writing this, I really couldn't care less. 
This is my blog. Take it or leave it. :)

Because I'm only starting out I haven't any pictures up, but as time goes on I hope I will put more time and effort into this. Scratch that, I'll make myself. If I really want a career in fashion, then I better start working on it!

I'll be updating my blog once a week or maybe more often, I don't even know yet, but as time goes on I will fit my new blog hobby into my teenage life.

In my next blog, I'll be telling you about myself. Not extremely personal stuff, (pervs don't get excited, hehe) but general information about my life.

Gaby x

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