Sunday 21 April 2013

Draw My Life

I decided to do a draw my life, but since I'm not a YouTuber, and I don't think I'll be one soon, I decided to do it via my blog- except just to take pictures of the drawings that narrate my life! My skills with a Sharpie really aren't that great, because the smell of it makes me a little high hahaha. Obviously if this was a video, I would mention more memories and more people, but as I didn't want to make this a suuuper long post, I kept it quite abstract. Hope you enjoy!

I was born on May 15th, 1998. I was an adorable baby, rosy cheeks and big blue eyes (not vain at all haha) who cried a lot and had a mummy, a daddy and a sister who was eight years older than me. My hair didn't start growing until I was about 2 or 3, so a lot of people thought I was a cute baby boy :C
I grew up in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. And yes, at the top right hand corner I tried to draw the city but it just looks like sandcastles :C Anyway,  I loved playing with dolls and Barbies and Bratz and changing their clothes and combing their long synthetic hair. My hair grew out to be quite long, and I had a friend who I saw constantly.

I started playschool when I was 4, and I loved it soo much. I was one of the older girls, and I had lots and lots of friends, especially Egle, who wore a lot of denim dungarees and plaits in her hair. I talked to a lot of boys as well, and one of them even asked me to marry him when I was older! Oh, those were the days indeed.

I started school when I was 7, and even though I was there for only a year and a half (I moved to Ireland in the middle of 2nd class) I liked it a lot, even though I was never really good at it. I had lots of friends, but the only ones I still am in touch with are Emilija and Nikolete. My dad left for Ireland in first class, and we joined him a year and a half later.

I was awful excited moving to Ireland- a totally new, strange country excited me to bits. We lived in a small town, in a quite large apartment above a dry cleaning shop in the middle of the town. I loved living there, but eventually we moved to a house in a big estate, and I made a friend there, Weronika, who I used to go outside and ride bikes with. 2009 was a horrible year for me and being the superstitious brat I was back then, I blamed it on the house.

We moved to a new estate, just at the other side of the town as I started 5th class. I cut my then nearly waist length hair into a bob, which I loved so much. I was a generally happy kid back then, and spend a lot of my school nights texting boys till all hours, thinking I was soo cool and rebellious.

As I finished primary school, I moved to a completely different county, which gave me a lot of anxiety as I was going to have to start secondary school knowing absolutely no one. However, 1st year had its ups and downs, but I made a lot of friends and started growing my hair again, proving to be quite a good year thankfully!

And this is the latest chapter in the book that is my own life- 2nd year. I did a looot of things this year, but undoubtedly the most important was starting this blog that I love love love writing. Even though life is a little weird for me at the moment, I know everything will eventually sort itself out- because I've still got such a long way to go.

Thank you so so so so much for reading my blog, and thanks to everyone who was ever there for me. I love you all even though I didn't get to mention all of you <3

Gaby x

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