Wednesday 1 May 2013

Mini Thrift Shop Haul

Thrift shops - or charity shops as we call them here - usually are not my go-to places of finding new goodies. When I'm shopping, I usually got to shops like Penneys (Primark), H&M or New Look, and true, I might go home with a bag that's light and a purse that's empty, but I always convince myself I'm getting the best deal- price wise, trend wise and make-me-feel-good wise. 

My mother loves charity shops and always stops at them if she passes one, but I never bother to look at the clothes so much and yawn my way through flicking at old CD's, but this time, I actually bothered to flick through a couple of rails at the charity shops downtown, and found myself actually spotting things I liked. I got two tops- which is good effort for someone who was barely trying, each at 4e.

The first one is a Wallis top, with no sleeves and a pretty fruity design. It has a big zip down the back, as a statement piece, and because this summer is meant to be hot hot hot, I figured an another top wouldn't hurt. The second top I like a little more, just because it's a little more 'dressy'. It's a light blouse, with a black Peter Pan colar which I love so much, and a boroque swirly design that I've been seeing everywhere, but hadn't actually bought a piece with it. It's perfect to wear for both summer and winter, as it isn't see through, so it doesn't matter if you're just wearing a black bra or a thermal vest underneath- no one will see it anyway.

Me and my green motorcycle jacket went thrift shopping.


My blog has just hit an amazing 2,000 views- my initial reaction was WUT, and still is. Thank you so much for reading my blog and be sure to subscribe! 

Gaby x

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