Monday 6 May 2013

Life, Lately: April

I know I said I'll be doing a Life Lately post every three months only, but I've started taking more pictures and somehow enjoying life a little more during this April, so here is an another Life Lately post.

Halo Hair Extensions
I did a review on these, and I literally have been wearing them non-stop, they've given me so much confidence and I'm really happy with them. However, in the review, I didn't give you photos, so here you are. Don't mind the colour as I dyed them twice, so they're nowhere 
near their original shade.

Essence Colour and Go shade 90 I want that! and NYC nail polish shade 221 Spring Street
Nail polishes, no matter how pretty the colour is, always annoy me and I always peel them off my nails. These have been no exception, the minute they begin to flake I peel them right off my nails, but the shades are so girly and pretty that I put them on more or less each week.

Garnier SOS Repair Hand Cream
I love a good hand cream, and this is unreal. It leaves my hands silky, and non-greasy, which is essential for me. However, it isn't runny, but still thick and non-greasy, and I've been using it every day.

Thrifted shirt+H&M Floral Oxford Collar shirt
I'm in looove with the oxford collar- it's soooo me. I button these shirts right to the top to create the statement, and seeing as these shirts are not see-through, you can wear them in the summer, with a tank top underneath or in the winter, with layers underneath. The oxford collar is impossible to go wrong, you can wear it anywhere, and when your shirt (or dress!) has a gorgeous pastel or boroque, in my case, print, you will always make a statement and rake in compliments.

Floral Pattern
This is a pattern off a dress I've been loving and wearing lots. Because I couldn't take a proper picture of the bodycon, I decided to capture one of its pretty patterns instead.

First 99 of 2013
It might not feel like summer just yet, but I had this in early April, and it tasted like summer and the seaside in a cone.

Pretty skies
Speaking of summer,  April had some beautiful warm spring evenings, and I captured one of them.

The Hunger Games
This might seem unbelievably shocking, but I hadn't watched this movie until 2 nights ago. Now, before you start flinging stuff at your computer screen, because everyone was sooo madly in love with this movie, I figured I would be the same once I watched it. I would get so obsessed with it, read all the books, read all the fanfics, and literally go crazy on the Hunger Games mania. Anyway, one late night 2 days ago I decided to finally watch it- and yes, I loved it so so so so so so much. It's utterly brilliant, and here is a picture of Katniss and Peeta, 'cos well you know. Katniss. Peeta.

Thanks for reading guys, and here is an inspirational quote! Have a good day!

Gaby x

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