Tuesday 11 June 2013

Summer's Coolest Couple

Summer's Coolest Couple- the title of the 1960's inspired photo shoot I found myself flicking through Glamour UK's June in Athlone last weekend. I had never heard or seen before this gorgeous couple, but Estelle Yves and Harry Treadaway made me drool over this gorgeous photography, and the clothes too of course, labels including Moschino, Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton and Miu Miu. Estelle's bouffant also reminded me how last year I wore a beehive all summer long, but I don't think I'll be brave enough to pull off one this high this year!

Anyway, I've a lot of blog post ideas in my mind, so bear with me as I try my best to fight off procrastination. In the meantime, if you're single, you're probably going to need a lump of Dairy Milk to get you through these photos, as they are super adorable, and so are the outfits.

A good song to listen through whilst your scrolling through this is Lana Del Rey's XXIV- not an official Del Rey song, just a mix made by Omitobeats, and it's brilliant.

Check it out:



I'm not taking credit for any of these photographs.

Thanks for reading!

Gaby x

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