Sunday 2 June 2013

Review: Lush Shampoo Bar Ultimate Shine

My lovely sister sent me this goody 2 weeks ago, and I decided to review it because Lush products are always new and innovative, unique and probably a little unusual, and since they can be a little expensive, it's nice to know what it will offer you.

First off, I love Lush as a cosmetics brand. They're everything you ever wanted in a brand- organic, high quality, lovable and not too expensive, however the only pitfall is how they only have limited branches around Ireland. The only product I've ever bought from them before was the Toothy Tabs, (Breath of God- you cannot go wrong haha) a box for myself and 2 other friends, and I've loved them, and so did they. Even if Lush products don't work, they still are so imaginative it's impossible to dislike them.

Today's cosmetic market consists of enormous amounts of goo- your shampoo is a goo, your  lipgloss is a goo, your face mask is a goo- and these 'goo' products always come with a side of a lump of non-renewable plastic that's called 'packaging' - and that's what Lush is about. They come up with products that don't require a chunk of plastic as packaging, and aren't made of harsh chemicals that burn your skin- like the shampoo bar.

Think of the shampoo bar as a shampoo 'soap', because that's literally how it works. Enriched with violet leaves, ylang ylang and elemi oil (yes I actually looked it up) you just rub this goody on to your hands when you're in the shower, couple of rubs in a random area on your head is fine, and it foams like god. Then, just massage the goodness into your hair and scalp, breathe in the gorgeous mint but not too minty smell, and rinse your hair.

This works just like any other shampoo, but it's a little too basic for me, as it doesn't have any special qualities I would originally look for in a shampoo, eg volume or thickness, but I know other Lush bars offer them. As my hair is shiny naturally, this product just cleans my hair and leaves it soft and fluffy, but distributes the oil in my hair evenly, so the roots aren't left dry and the tips extra dry after each washing.

However, one tip I would give would be to rub the bar quite a bit into your scalp whilst in the showe, to give more lather, as I find it leaves the hair in better condition after. If you're greedy with your bar, then your hair is left a little gunky the next day.

I would probably repurchase this product as it will last me ages, as I've used mine for the last 2 weeks and all I've noticed was little wear in it. Even though it's a little pricey, it will last you forever.

If I was to repurchase it, I would either go for Jumping Juniper (for greasy hair) or Dr Peppermint (to thicken up your hair). All in all, I love using my shampoo bar, and recommend it strongly!

The exams are finally over, and I will go back to my usual blogging routine (1 or 2 blog posts a week). Thanks so much for reading!

Gaby x

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