Sunday 31 August 2014

Updated Skin Routine for Breakout-Prone Skin

Hello again to all of my lovely sweeties :) I am here today to give you my tips and tricks on keeping my skin as clear as possible, and update you on my skincare routine. This is the routine I've had for the past 3 months or so- and I swear, my skin hasn't been so clear in a looong time. Because I'm a teenager, I still break out, but with these products, I can clear my skin faster and keep the *face demons* at bay.

I don't use very expensive skin care- everything is really affordable, and easy to find. These products work for me, but please remember that they may not necessarily work for you! I will give you some pointers on what ingredients to look for if you have acne/spot prone skin however- and they usually are things that help most people :)
This is the entirety of my skin care- this is all I use. I don't use all of these products every day (duh), but I do use them throughout the week. As you can see, I don't own a traditional face wash anymore- ever since I stopped using one every day, my skin cleared up pronto. I have been using the two middle Clean n' Clear products as my toner and wash system- it may not be the approved way, but like I said, it keeps my skin clear and spot-free.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water
Clean n' Clear Blackhead Clearing Cleanser
Clean n' Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion
Eucerin Replenshing Face Cream
Simple Light Moisturiser

These are my daily life saviours- the products I use every morning and every night. When I get up in the morning, I pour a little of the Blackhead Clearing Cleanser on a cotton pad and wipe it all over my face. I love this stuff- this is probably my 8th or so bottle. It has salicylic acid as one of its main ingredients, and this is amazing for getting down and dirty with spots- it really cleans out the skin and keeps it bacteria-free, reducing spots and clearing imperfections. After this dries, I do the same with the Cleansing Lotion- pour a little bit on a cotton pad, but I concentrate this on the areas that need a bit more help on the breakout front. I give this a while to dry (2 or 3 minutes). This is very similar to the Blackhead Clearing Cleanser but it cleans the skin even further, and ever since I took out the face wash and added this into my routine, my skin cleared up and spots went. Lastly, I moisturise, using my beloved Eucerin on my eyes and cheeks, and the Simple moisturiser on my T-Zone. In the evening, I do this all over again- except I use the Garnier Micellar Water to take all of my make up off. I love this- it is a water, and it removes all of my makeup and leaves my skin squeaky clean. It doesn't take all of my eye make up off, but it does a pretty good job, and I'm really impressed with it, as I usually hate using make up remover lotions.

Tea Tree and Which Hazel Blemish Stick

These are my breakout treatments, ones that I have used all summer and love. The Sudocrem is a firm Irish favourite- used sparingly. and in the right places it does wonders. I was using too much of this before- I used to apply it nearly all over my face, but now I only use it on active breakouts, the ones that I reaaally need help with. I put it on at night, after I moisturise, and I leave it on- and in the morning, the breakout is usually gone. 
The tea tree oil is a new discovery- tea tree oil is amazing for keeping your skin clean, and Boots do an amazing range of tea tree products, so definitely check it out! I use the blemish stick on all of my blemishes before moisturising, and I wear it under my makeup and it sits fine- it keeps the blemishes from expanding or getting worse.

Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Facial Mask
Dove Summer Glow Lotion- Dark
Tea Tree Facial Wipes

These are the products I use sparingly, that still do the world of good. I love love love this tea tree mask- I use it 2/3 times a week instead of my cleansers- it cleans my skin really well and keeps the face demons calm. I love how you only need to have this on for 3 or so minutes- which is amazing, because I even put it on before school sometimes! I've gone through about 2 bottles of these, and my sister uses it and loves it too- I highly recommend it, it is soo good and its really inexpensive too. As we just had the very un-summery summer here in Ireland (no tan, sad times) I've been using this Dove Summer Glow Lotion on my body as a *tan enhancer*. I hate how Dove keep changing the formulas for this product- I've bought it a good few times throughout the years and the formula keeps changing. I don't like this one, as it streaks like an actual tan would, but it's great to use to just add a bit of colour to your skin and make you look naturally tanned.
As for face wipes, I try to not use them at all- however, sometimes I'm just not arsed to fiddle around with cotton pads and make up removers, so grab these Tea Tree ones. These not only cleanse your skin, but also keep acne at bay. I love these, they're unreal for travelling and looking amazing.

And that's it! Now you know how obsessed I am with salicylic acid and tea tree oil haha:) I started 5th year a few days ago, scary to of luck to anybody that's gone back to school and God love all of us waiting for JC results on the 10th :(

Thank you so much for reading! 

Gaby x

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