Wednesday 20 August 2014

Where My Shoes Have Taken Me

Hello to all my sweeties, today I have a little post on my adventures. I have travelled to quite a few places over the last few years, and I have a tendency to take photographs of my shoes against the cold pavements- so, I decided to throw them all into a blog post. 

This is just a new, fun little concept and I hope you enjoy scrolling :)

The very first 'feet selfie' (?) of mine, taken in Stuttgart last year

Pilies Street, Vilnius

Beside Vilnius' Cathederal

And again..(after a bit of retail therapy)


Amsterdam, beside the Rijksmuseum


Vilnius Cathederal, again (it's probably one of my most favourite places ever tbh)

Vilnius, somewhere in the Old Town


Amsterdam, VU 

Hope you enjoyed this short little post! I also had a few pictures from Stuttgart but am currently having a breakdown as I can't find them anywhere :( I think I may do a similar post, but with different coffee from around the world (I'm so weird). I'll be back over the next few days with an another 'My Thoughts On' post, so stay tuned!

Thank you so much for reading!

Gaby x


  1. Hi Gaby! I really enjoy your blogs and you have given me inspiration to start my own but I am worried about what my friends will think and say, especially a girl I know who is fabulous at all this blogging and things but makes me feel like I don't know anything about subjects that she is like an expert in, don't get me wrong I don't know AS much as her but i have a fair idea! And I am always afraid to say anything incase she puts me down about it. Basically what I am saying is that I am afraid to start my blog because I am not AS good at English as she is but I like the subject and I am improving but I am afraid she is just going to critisise me and my blog all the time if I start one. What should I do? Any advise?

  2. Hey Anonymous! Firstly, thank you so much for reading and coming back to my little blog- it means a lot :) I feel like if you want to start a blog, then go for it. It can be as anonymous as you want it to be, and as you put up posts over time, your pageviews and followers grow and you will gain confidence. However, it is completely up to you if you want to tell your friends about your blog, you can make it as private and as anon as you wish, if that will let you post whatever you like and feel completely free and confident. Your english, from what I can tell, is fluent- and that is all you need. As long as you can get your point across, as you write and read other blogs, your english will improve. Don't really mind other bloggers or what they think they know, if you are interested in a topic, eg beauty lets say, and as long as you keep reading other blogs and expanding your knowledge, you will be as good a blogger as any. I would say start a blog, write whatever you wish, be yourself and only tell this other girl about your blog when you are confident enough. Not all blogs are the same, they are all brilliant in their own ways, so definitely give it a go :) Blogging is amazing, you can do it all in your pyjamas- so get out there and start blogging, im waiting for the link to your blog! :) Tweet me @gabysayshey if you want to have a chat :) x
