Sunday 31 August 2014

Updated Skin Routine for Breakout-Prone Skin

Hello again to all of my lovely sweeties :) I am here today to give you my tips and tricks on keeping my skin as clear as possible, and update you on my skincare routine. This is the routine I've had for the past 3 months or so- and I swear, my skin hasn't been so clear in a looong time. Because I'm a teenager, I still break out, but with these products, I can clear my skin faster and keep the *face demons* at bay.

I don't use very expensive skin care- everything is really affordable, and easy to find. These products work for me, but please remember that they may not necessarily work for you! I will give you some pointers on what ingredients to look for if you have acne/spot prone skin however- and they usually are things that help most people :)
This is the entirety of my skin care- this is all I use. I don't use all of these products every day (duh), but I do use them throughout the week. As you can see, I don't own a traditional face wash anymore- ever since I stopped using one every day, my skin cleared up pronto. I have been using the two middle Clean n' Clear products as my toner and wash system- it may not be the approved way, but like I said, it keeps my skin clear and spot-free.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water
Clean n' Clear Blackhead Clearing Cleanser
Clean n' Clear Deep Cleansing Lotion
Eucerin Replenshing Face Cream
Simple Light Moisturiser

These are my daily life saviours- the products I use every morning and every night. When I get up in the morning, I pour a little of the Blackhead Clearing Cleanser on a cotton pad and wipe it all over my face. I love this stuff- this is probably my 8th or so bottle. It has salicylic acid as one of its main ingredients, and this is amazing for getting down and dirty with spots- it really cleans out the skin and keeps it bacteria-free, reducing spots and clearing imperfections. After this dries, I do the same with the Cleansing Lotion- pour a little bit on a cotton pad, but I concentrate this on the areas that need a bit more help on the breakout front. I give this a while to dry (2 or 3 minutes). This is very similar to the Blackhead Clearing Cleanser but it cleans the skin even further, and ever since I took out the face wash and added this into my routine, my skin cleared up and spots went. Lastly, I moisturise, using my beloved Eucerin on my eyes and cheeks, and the Simple moisturiser on my T-Zone. In the evening, I do this all over again- except I use the Garnier Micellar Water to take all of my make up off. I love this- it is a water, and it removes all of my makeup and leaves my skin squeaky clean. It doesn't take all of my eye make up off, but it does a pretty good job, and I'm really impressed with it, as I usually hate using make up remover lotions.

Tea Tree and Which Hazel Blemish Stick

These are my breakout treatments, ones that I have used all summer and love. The Sudocrem is a firm Irish favourite- used sparingly. and in the right places it does wonders. I was using too much of this before- I used to apply it nearly all over my face, but now I only use it on active breakouts, the ones that I reaaally need help with. I put it on at night, after I moisturise, and I leave it on- and in the morning, the breakout is usually gone. 
The tea tree oil is a new discovery- tea tree oil is amazing for keeping your skin clean, and Boots do an amazing range of tea tree products, so definitely check it out! I use the blemish stick on all of my blemishes before moisturising, and I wear it under my makeup and it sits fine- it keeps the blemishes from expanding or getting worse.

Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Facial Mask
Dove Summer Glow Lotion- Dark
Tea Tree Facial Wipes

These are the products I use sparingly, that still do the world of good. I love love love this tea tree mask- I use it 2/3 times a week instead of my cleansers- it cleans my skin really well and keeps the face demons calm. I love how you only need to have this on for 3 or so minutes- which is amazing, because I even put it on before school sometimes! I've gone through about 2 bottles of these, and my sister uses it and loves it too- I highly recommend it, it is soo good and its really inexpensive too. As we just had the very un-summery summer here in Ireland (no tan, sad times) I've been using this Dove Summer Glow Lotion on my body as a *tan enhancer*. I hate how Dove keep changing the formulas for this product- I've bought it a good few times throughout the years and the formula keeps changing. I don't like this one, as it streaks like an actual tan would, but it's great to use to just add a bit of colour to your skin and make you look naturally tanned.
As for face wipes, I try to not use them at all- however, sometimes I'm just not arsed to fiddle around with cotton pads and make up removers, so grab these Tea Tree ones. These not only cleanse your skin, but also keep acne at bay. I love these, they're unreal for travelling and looking amazing.

And that's it! Now you know how obsessed I am with salicylic acid and tea tree oil haha:) I started 5th year a few days ago, scary to of luck to anybody that's gone back to school and God love all of us waiting for JC results on the 10th :(

Thank you so much for reading! 

Gaby x

Saturday 23 August 2014

My Thoughts on Youtube Culture

Oh yes, Youtube Culture. For all those of you Youtube junkies, you will be well aware of this by now. Youtube Culture is basically the relationship, and the way things work between Youtubers and their devoted fans- be it on social networks, conventions or simply on the streets. 


Youtube has become a colossal network of creativity, entertainment and cinnamon eating challenges. It is a platform, an outlet- but it has become so much more than that over the past few years. Now, it not only is an overflowing jar of, well, not greatness, silly videos, short films and challenge videos, it is a money making machine. PewDiePie, the Youtuber with the most subscribers on the website currently (30million, fyi) is rumoured to be making 4 million a year- from sponsored videos, to advertising, working with different companies, and of course, a paycheck from the Youtube HQ. Youtubers, however, are extremely transparent- and maybe that's a good thing- as it's really visible when videos are sponsored, as they usually include a 3 minute speech on how amazing a particular brand is. Advertising through Youtube videos may seem cheap and some may say Youtubers are in it for the money, however money is what makes the world go round, sad but admittedly true. The money Youtubers receive goes towards bigger and better projects- or into Prada handbags, some things we'll never know. 

That is something that I think every fan and viewer finds disappointing in Youtube videos, even though it is the harsh and ugly truth- in order for Youtubers continue, they need money, and adverts are a way to make that money. I do realize this, and a little brand name- dropping really doesn't hurt- especially if their products genuinely do work- but mentioning a certain company/product on a regular basis is a little bit disheartening, annoying and shallow. Some Youtubers are awful for this- others don't do it at all.

Youtube conventions or gatherings are an another popular topic- especially the behaviour of fans. Youtube personalities often mention how uncomortable and unpleasant it is for them when their teenage viewers scream and loose their minds having seen them, but I can totally understand this. It may be a little overwhelming for Youtubers themselves, but realistically, you can't have an audience of 1million+ teenage girl viewers and complain when they get hysterical having seen you. When I met Leanne Woodful (Irish blogger) last summer, I was in the middle of Urban Outfitters, so I had to contain myself. I was however, dying inside of excitement and happyness, and I don't blame fans that loose their minds at conventions- seeing a few, let alone one, of your idols together, hanging out casually and just being human and being real, is a little maddening, scream-worthy and cry-worthy. If your viewers want to scream and shout having seen you in conventions, let them. That's what Youtube conventions are for- however if it begins happening in the street, then feel free to complain. 

In my opinion, I don't think Youtubers can afford- or should- give out or complain to their fans/viewers at all. Think about it- every famous Youtuber once turned to Youtube as a hobby, or as something to do, and now they are getting paid- generously, in some cases- to film, edit and upload a video that is light hearted and entertaining. Admittedly, they probably won't be doing this for long, but it is all thanks to their fans and viewers that click on their videos, create a massive fanbase, and pump cold, hard cash into their bank accounts that allows Youtubers to have big houses, designer wardrobes and simply live off a website- their fanbase has given them all, so to give out or complain that their fans are doing something wrong, knowing that their fans will listen to them and probably take it to heart and maybe even feel bad after it, is simply wrong. Youtubers aren't saints themselves, however when we, the audience complain or give out, it will a lot of the time go unnoticed- or be labelled as 'hate'. If I lived off making videos about how great my life is (cough, vlogging, cough) or filming videos talking about eyeshadows, I wouldn't complain when my fanbase screamed if they saw me at a convention or in the street. Youtube may be a 'real' job, but it isn't the hardest job in the world and is very easily quittable (has anybody even seen Alex Day lately?).

One thing that I do think is necessary, almost essential, for a Youtuber to have as a quality is a controlled level of maturity and sensibility. Even though I think it's important to be real on camera, to an audience that is mostly teenage, it's more important to do what is right and be cool- reply to hate smartly (not like Nash Grier or Cameron Dallas, making videos mocking so called 'hate comments'), reply to your fans on social media with appreciative messeges and deal with your fans smartly- not coldly, or act like you're better than them- they have, once again, allowed you to live off a website, and the Youtuber should be equally as grateful to their fans as we are supportive of them. Tyler Oakley is a perfect example of this- 'his people' are as important to him as he is to us.

My next point is going to be very blunt, as this has sparked many, many a controversy- not all viners are good Youtubers. That is all.

Marcus Butler & Caspar Lee VidCon 2013
 Another thing that annoys me, once again in relation to Youtubers themselves (it's like this post is just me giving out to them, haha) is when content creators complain that their fans demand too much from them, eg fans giving out that they haven't uploaded in a while, or want more videos. I personally don't understand this at all, but maybe it's just because I'm not a Youtuber- but I fail to get how your fans, your viewers and your supporters, wanting more of your content can be a bad thing. Surely take it as a compliment- they love your videos so much, they can't get enough. Haters and trolls do take things too far sometimes, that is true- but it's a skill to be able to look for the best in everybody and keep producing good, rich content, regularly. 

This brings me on to my next point- haters, hate comments and internet trolls. Every person that has ever used a social networking site ever probably has experience with this, either through comments or messeges. In Youtube fandoms, everyone is prone to this- both the Youtuber, and the fans. We all know how aggressive One Direction and Bieber fandoms get, and Youtube fandoms are exactly the same- however, its only one big fandom, as nobody only sticks to one Youtuber, let's be real- Youtube is all interconnected. I however think that the people and the comments that are labelled as 'hate'- really aren't, they are just plain and simply a piece of constructive criticism. There is videos that are edited badly, things said that just shouldn't have been, and topics went about the wrong way- people pointing out flaws in videos isn't hate, its a very healthy form of constructive criticism. 

Oh yes, shipping. Youtube realtionships, friendships, break ups and make ups, and 'Is Troyler real?' Shipping, for those of you not familiar with Tumblr, is a relationSHIP or friendSHIP between two (or more!) people. As a lot of the Youtube community are based on Tumblr, a lot of Youtubers are 'shipped' together, just for the fun of it. A lot of 'ships' end up sailing, eg Zalfie (Alfie Deyes and the gorge Zoella), as some remain a mystery forever (ahem, Troyler again). I think shipping is fun, and not something to be taken seriously- however some Youtubers seem to really mind their fans shipping them with their friends, almost too much. Youtubers do have a lot of younger fans, and if shipping is something they do for fun, I think it's okay.

Let's face it- even though Youtube is a very well-earning job, it is a little demoralizing at times. Think of it this way- you now eat cinnamon for a living, but your high school friends have office jobs. Granted, you may drive a Jaguar, but filming and editing silly little videos is your life now. Even though Youtube pays well and results in high success, it doesn't always leave a good taste in your mouth, and we all know that the Youtubers we love today, we will probably have forgotten in 5 years time (just look at Philip De Franco). Youtubers all like to think of Youtube as a transition period in their lives- from crappy things, to fame and success, and then finally, after Youtube- a very respected, good job. As Youtube has risen to very fast fame, companies are sponsoring and employing its content makers all over the shop- please tell me of one Youtuber that isn't sponsored by or writing their own book. We have our little Troye Sivan with his new EP, Zoella with TV appearances, Dan and Phil with a BBC radio show and Joey Graceffa, Alfie Deyes and Hannah Hart among the many Youtubers that have suddenly turned into authors. To be honest, I don't blame them taking these opportunities- the target market is guaranteed, at least 10,000 of their 3 million subscribers will buy the book, album or whatever- and that already, is a small fortune. The target audience is definitely there, and no matter how awful the product is, it will be bought. I do think that as Youtubers move away from Youtube and pursue other, more promising careers, they will loose fans and maybe even result in not a lot of success. That, is of course, only a prediction.

That concludes my thoughts on Youtube culture- my goodness, I must have said the word 'Youtube' about 300 times in this post, haha :) Please keep in mind that these are only my thoughts and opinions, but I would love to hear yours:)

Thank you so much for reading this verrryy lengthy post!

My Twitter- @gabysayshey
I now have an Instagram!- gabysayshey98

Gaby x 

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Where My Shoes Have Taken Me

Hello to all my sweeties, today I have a little post on my adventures. I have travelled to quite a few places over the last few years, and I have a tendency to take photographs of my shoes against the cold pavements- so, I decided to throw them all into a blog post. 

This is just a new, fun little concept and I hope you enjoy scrolling :)

The very first 'feet selfie' (?) of mine, taken in Stuttgart last year

Pilies Street, Vilnius

Beside Vilnius' Cathederal

And again..(after a bit of retail therapy)


Amsterdam, beside the Rijksmuseum


Vilnius Cathederal, again (it's probably one of my most favourite places ever tbh)

Vilnius, somewhere in the Old Town


Amsterdam, VU 

Hope you enjoyed this short little post! I also had a few pictures from Stuttgart but am currently having a breakdown as I can't find them anywhere :( I think I may do a similar post, but with different coffee from around the world (I'm so weird). I'll be back over the next few days with an another 'My Thoughts On' post, so stay tuned!

Thank you so much for reading!

Gaby x

Friday 1 August 2014

How To Grow Fine Hair

Hello again to all of my lovely sweeties, today I am here to ramble on about one of the most important things EVER- hair. Or fine hair, in my case. I have been to all places with my hair I've had it suuuper long, bob length, curly, straight, braided, with blonde highlights, damaged, heat- damaged, not well looked after..and having fine, medium-thick hair, all these things lead to consequences. I am now growing my hair, and making good progress (it's boobie length now :D ), and there has been some products that wouldn't have gotten me here.

These are my staples and all time favourites from the years I've been growing my hair. These best suit me as I have medium-length, fine, not coloured, medium-thickness and oily- ish hair. If you are trying to grow your locks I will also give some tips at the end as to how maximise hair growth.  As for now, there is some basic things that you need to be using on your hair to ensure it is at its best, and growing fast.

Firstly, of course, I found a shampoo and conditioner I loved and stuck to it. The Mane and Tail products have entered my life fairly recently- I reviewed them a while ago - and I love love love them, and strongly recommend to invest in them if you are forever longing for thicker and longer hair. I did try the originals, but I love the other editions more- right now I'm using the Gentle Clarifying shampoo and the Deep Moisturizing conditioner (not right now unfortunately, as I've had to leave them home whilst I'm away on holiday, and I've been missing them so much, wahhhh), and I honestly couldn't live without them. My hair has gotten soo much thicker, bouncier, more voluminous, it takes 3+ days to get greasy, and it even looks happier. Find a shampoo and conditioner that works for your hair, and stick to them. I swear by these, so if you have hair like me, I strongly advise you give them a go.

Up next are hair oils, which are really important in maintaining healthy hair. I love hair oils, my hair would be nowhere without them. Hair oils keep the hair moisturized, healthy, prevent and heal damage, prevent split ends and make hair look amazing. Hair oils are especially amazing for fine hair, as they protect it even further. I suggest to invest in one, no matter how oily your hair is- hair oils don't make your hair oily, they make it look better. Used sparingly, they do an excellent job.
These are my personal favourites. The first one is just an argan oil, and I will have to repurchase soon, however argan oils are really popular nowdays, as they moisturize, soften and improve the appearance of hair. The second oil is in Lithuanian, but it's just a castor oil- and oh my goodness castor oils are a godsend. I use mine once a week- I take a half a teaspoon sized amount, rub it in to the ends and lengths of my hair, and leave for 3- 4 hours before washing it. Castor oils promise to grow your hair from the normal 1 cm a month to 3 cm a month. I haven't measured my hair so I don't know if this is true or not, but judging from the amount of comments I get on how long my hair has got, the castor oil is doing its job.

Another hair oil- I only just began to use this recently, so expect a review soon! I love it already, as I used the original Extraordinary Oil on my extensions a year ago, however it was a bit too rich for my own hair. This is the exact same product, except it's much thinner, and in a liquid form- especially formulated for fine hair, or oily hair. You can spritz this on by the dozen and it won't leave your hair heavy or greasy, it just moisturises and keeps it healthy. I love this already, and the scent is heavenly.

Last but not least, are the tools you use on your hair. The tools you use, the bobby pins with sharp edges, the elastic bands with the metal bits, the sharp combs and the harsh brushes- all these things break your hair, leave split ends, and damage your hair, especially if you have fine hair. The tools you use are just as important as the products- they should be just as gentle. The brushes I like to use are these two- a very coarse wooden brush with little balls on the end of each bristle, meaning the hair can't get damaged or broken. I like to use this after washing my hair, when it's at its weakest- this de-tangles my hair, and lets it dry without any knots. The second brush is also a new favourite- the famous Tangle Teezer. I agree with every good comment about this brush- it is sooo gentle, it almost dissolves any knots and tangles, and doesn't break or damage the hair. As with bobby pins, I would suggest to go with ones that have rubber on the sharp edges, and replacing your pins every 6 months or so, as the little rubber parts fall off. I don't use elastic bands with the metal parts either, I go for big scrunchies or the metaless bands, all in aid of reducing as much damage done to the hair.

Your hair tools won't magically heal and vanish all the damage done to the hair, they should simply be used to manage the hair in a damage-free way. Be sure to invest in tools that won't damage or break the hair. An another good hair tool brand is Denman- on the pricier side, however their products seem to be very promising.

Extra Tips and Tricks On Growing Fine Hair

1. Avoid backcombing or teasing as much as possible. This breaks the hair like hell. 2 years ago, I wore bouffants all summer- and now, I'm still trying to repair the damage.

2. Always use heat protectant spray when using heat on your hair- be it straighters, blow drying or curling tongs. Avoid heat as much as possible, even blow drying- this dries out the hair. Alternatively, towel dry, apply a hair oil, pin in a light bun and leave to air dry.

3. Do still visit the hairdresser's and get a trim, to get the dead ends off. Not trimming your hair as it grows leads to split ends riding up through your lengths and breaking off the hair. Split hair doesn't grow either, and no product will heal up your ends. Always be generous with conditioner on your ends and get a light trim (don't take more than 1 inch off) every 4 months at the hair salon.

4. Let your hair down as much as possible and set it free- let it do its own thing. This gives a chance for hair to rest, and relax a little bit.

5. Invest in a good hairbrush and fall in love with it- detangling fine hair is very important, as knots lead to split ends. Brush your hair in the morning, before styling, touch up throughout the day, before the shower, after the shower and before going to bed- then braid it loosely and sleep in a light braid. Buying a detangling spray is a good idea, especially if your hair is long. 

6. Don't spend too much money on intense hair masks or repair treatments- these may not do much for your hair, and sometimes even damage it further. Using a good hair oil often is enough- sometimes even professionally applied heat treatments damage the hair.

7. Remember, bonded hair extensions damage the hair- go for clip ins intead. 

Good luck on growing your hair! Thank you so much for reading, and I hoped this helped all you fined hair ladies! Hair is beautiful, so make sure to make care of it!:) If you have any questions/suggestions, be sure to leave them below or to tweet me!

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x