Thursday 12 December 2013

My Winter Essentials

And I'm back, in a flourish of apologies of course.. I haven't blogged in quite a while now and it's true to say Ive geniunely really missed it! To tell the truth, I have been really busy, but I do have state exams later on in June, however don't fret as I am back and I've some blog post ideas in mind that im sure you guys will love!

Today, though, I'm telling you about my winter essentials, things I could never do without in these cold times. Luckily, it's not even cold at all for a December this year, but I still find myself reaching for these quite often and I pretty much can't live without them. I don't like this season of jumpers and dawns that are always late, but these little things make my waiting for hot summer nights so much easier!

In the wintertime, I always tend to go for a stronger, bolder pout. A lip balm is always a must-have, amazing for dry chapped lips, and this Neutrogena balm is no exception. I got this new dark red/wine coloured lipstick from Essence's new Long-Lasting Lipstick range, and I love it so, so much.  It's a nice change from my usual pinks and reds, it's dark but warm, like a cosy Christmas Eve (okay Gaby caaaalmmm...). Ahem, anyway, I find that a strong pout isn't complete without a lipliner and a lipgloss. I use the liner to define my lips and make them look fuller, glide on the lipstick and blot some of this gloss on top, and it works a treat! Also, I'm aware this is all Essence- a brand you know I love, but have come off a bit recently, but it's good to know it's there when I need it!

Essence lipliner in 06 I'm Yours
Essence lipstick in 04 On the Catwalk
Essence gloss in 15 True Love

Oh, The 1975...but let's talk about the hat. It's Penneys, and a bargain at 3e. I'm never the one to throw on a cosy cute hat and head out, but I've worn this a few times, with my long extensions in it looks pretty and cute, and I will be definitely wearing it more.

Thanks to my lovellyyy sister, I now have an iPod Touch, a good change from my pink Shuffle! And yes, I'm kind of obsessed with The 1975, especially 'You'. Their songs are unreal, I could listen to them for days without end... I don't really like bands usually, but they are pure genius! Highly recommend you give their songs a listen, especially 'Chocolate' and 'Sex'.

Look who's reading again! I've been thumbing through paperbacks since I was 9, but ever since I started secondary school, I've been reading much and much less. Thankfully, I've gotten back into it recently, and together with these, I've also been reading the Fault In Our Stars by John Green (i can't even) and the Hunger Games series (so many feels). They get me through long winter nights!

Nailpolishes now, and I think winter, especially Christmastime, is a perfect time for bold reds, greens and glitter. These too, coincidentally, are Essence, but really any red and glitter combo will do.

Chapped, dry and sore hands are common this time of year, and I can never find where I leave my handcream, but E45 is always by my bedside and rescues me. It does wonders, and dry skin is gone in a second.

I've started editing my photos for better quality and clarity, so I hope the photos are better! I'm so happy to be blogging again!

Gaby x

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

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