Tuesday 31 December 2013

Dear 2013

This is more of a personal post, my memoir of 2013, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Dear 2013,

January, thank you for being so shit. Dear Valentine, it's kinda good we don't talk anymore but you're really cool. Dear mum, thank you for feeding me, giving out to me and being my rock. Dear dad, thanks for the class jokes and making me believe in myself when it comes to exam time. Dear Dr O'Connor, thank you for listening to my ramblings on a monthly basis. Dear March, thanks for scaring the shit out of me when you gave me a life-changing dream. Dear discos, you were class at times, boring at times and downright bad at times. Dear Candy Crush, anything past level 200 is bloody impossible. Dear April, thank you for getting warmer. Dear Easter, I can't remember you.

Dear dresses, thank you for fitting my skinny figure. Dear heels, thank you for toning my legs. Dear May, thank you for turning me 15. Dear June, thank you for my first proper job. Dear exam results, thank you for making me feel smart. Sun, heat, temperature and Lana Del Rey, thank you for making my summer amazing. Dear Vilnius, thank you for welcoming me home. Dear Vilnius buses, thank you for bringing me places  for barely 2LT a pop. Dear Grandmother, thank you for giving the best hugs. Dear Stuttgart, thank you for closing all of your shops completely on Sundays, you stupid thing. Dear Holiday Inn Express Stuttgart, thank you for being located a street that has the same name of an another street. Dear SSS Airlines, thank you for arranging a wrap for me.

Dear Emilija+Nikolete, thank you for being so patient with my poor Lithuanian and for seeing me repeatedly every summer and listening to my insane rambles over and over. Dear Ireland, thank you for not raining during the summer. Dear anxiety, you suck and I hate you. Dear school, thank you for trying to educate and civilise me. Dear Ava, thank you for putting up with me ily xoxoxox :L . Dear Silage, thanks for being the coolest irish people everr <3. Dear Eimear, thanks for reading!:) Dear Sarah, thanks for attempting YouTube with me and making me piss myself laughing all the time. Dear Rachael, I wouldn't be anywhere without you. Dear October, you really didn't have to take my grandad away. Dear November, thanks for fixing me, or trying to. Dear Sky, thanks for graduating and being the first person in the family with multiple degrees :O

Dear blog, thank you for letting out my fashion, life and beauty thoughts without fail. Dear Shaun Ross, thank you for bringing me Tropico, my life is now complete. Dear Zoella, Troye and Bertie, thank you for being one of the many, many Youtubers making our lives even more amazing. Dear John Green, thank you for writing the first ever novel that made me cry like a lost child. Dear Katniss Everdeen, thank you for being a class role model. Dear December, thank you for making me feel smart when the results came in again. Dear Frassy, Amy Valentine and What Olivia Did, for my daily fashion+photography inspo. Dear red Samsung camera, thank you for capturing once-in-a-lifetime shots. Dear Leanne Woodfull, thank you for being so lovely when I tracked you down in the middle of Urban Outfitters, and thank you for RT, Favourite'ing and replying to my tweet the other day, you babe.

Dear legs, I'm sorry you're bruised so bad, I really don't know how. Dear lips, I'm sorry for making you kiss so many (fit!) strangers. Dear hair, please grow to unimaginable lengths. 

Dear new friends, you're all really great. Dear old friends, thank you for sticking with me. Dear old forgotten friends, I hope you're all doing okay. Dear enemies, I don't have any enemies. 

Dear heart, I'm sorry for breaking you so many times so carelessly. Dear mind, I'm sorry I nearly drove you crazy. Dear 2013, thank you for turning out to be okay.

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x


  1. ha silage! Never gets old! Thank you for being a great friend Gaby, would b lost without you, Ava and the other half of silage :P :) happy new year luv u guys xoxo

  2. Hey Eimear here, thanks for the mention! Love your blog! Hehe :p

  3. It is brilliant! Great choice of a style! I wonder though, why am I not being mentioned with the rest of the family members? :-O
