Tuesday 31 December 2013

Dear 2013

This is more of a personal post, my memoir of 2013, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Dear 2013,

January, thank you for being so shit. Dear Valentine, it's kinda good we don't talk anymore but you're really cool. Dear mum, thank you for feeding me, giving out to me and being my rock. Dear dad, thanks for the class jokes and making me believe in myself when it comes to exam time. Dear Dr O'Connor, thank you for listening to my ramblings on a monthly basis. Dear March, thanks for scaring the shit out of me when you gave me a life-changing dream. Dear discos, you were class at times, boring at times and downright bad at times. Dear Candy Crush, anything past level 200 is bloody impossible. Dear April, thank you for getting warmer. Dear Easter, I can't remember you.

Dear dresses, thank you for fitting my skinny figure. Dear heels, thank you for toning my legs. Dear May, thank you for turning me 15. Dear June, thank you for my first proper job. Dear exam results, thank you for making me feel smart. Sun, heat, temperature and Lana Del Rey, thank you for making my summer amazing. Dear Vilnius, thank you for welcoming me home. Dear Vilnius buses, thank you for bringing me places  for barely 2LT a pop. Dear Grandmother, thank you for giving the best hugs. Dear Stuttgart, thank you for closing all of your shops completely on Sundays, you stupid thing. Dear Holiday Inn Express Stuttgart, thank you for being located a street that has the same name of an another street. Dear SSS Airlines, thank you for arranging a wrap for me.

Dear Emilija+Nikolete, thank you for being so patient with my poor Lithuanian and for seeing me repeatedly every summer and listening to my insane rambles over and over. Dear Ireland, thank you for not raining during the summer. Dear anxiety, you suck and I hate you. Dear school, thank you for trying to educate and civilise me. Dear Ava, thank you for putting up with me ily xoxoxox :L . Dear Silage, thanks for being the coolest irish people everr <3. Dear Eimear, thanks for reading!:) Dear Sarah, thanks for attempting YouTube with me and making me piss myself laughing all the time. Dear Rachael, I wouldn't be anywhere without you. Dear October, you really didn't have to take my grandad away. Dear November, thanks for fixing me, or trying to. Dear Sky, thanks for graduating and being the first person in the family with multiple degrees :O

Dear blog, thank you for letting out my fashion, life and beauty thoughts without fail. Dear Shaun Ross, thank you for bringing me Tropico, my life is now complete. Dear Zoella, Troye and Bertie, thank you for being one of the many, many Youtubers making our lives even more amazing. Dear John Green, thank you for writing the first ever novel that made me cry like a lost child. Dear Katniss Everdeen, thank you for being a class role model. Dear December, thank you for making me feel smart when the results came in again. Dear Frassy, Amy Valentine and What Olivia Did, for my daily fashion+photography inspo. Dear red Samsung camera, thank you for capturing once-in-a-lifetime shots. Dear Leanne Woodfull, thank you for being so lovely when I tracked you down in the middle of Urban Outfitters, and thank you for RT, Favourite'ing and replying to my tweet the other day, you babe.

Dear legs, I'm sorry you're bruised so bad, I really don't know how. Dear lips, I'm sorry for making you kiss so many (fit!) strangers. Dear hair, please grow to unimaginable lengths. 

Dear new friends, you're all really great. Dear old friends, thank you for sticking with me. Dear old forgotten friends, I hope you're all doing okay. Dear enemies, I don't have any enemies. 

Dear heart, I'm sorry for breaking you so many times so carelessly. Dear mind, I'm sorry I nearly drove you crazy. Dear 2013, thank you for turning out to be okay.

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x

Monday 30 December 2013

Christmas Haul

Christmastime means that I end up with goodies- of some sort. Gifted, thrifted, or bought in the sales, I do usually luckily end up with a good few things after the holidays, and like I did last year, I want to share them again with you in 2013! I do want to remind you that I'm not bragging (at least not trying to!) and this is just like any other haul. I hope you like!

Some of the things I did pick up in the sales- what did you think of them this year? I thought they were rubbish- maybe not everywhere, but they were in Athlone. There was absolutely nothing worth attention on the rails, not on the 26th anyway. River Island, however, never fails to disappoint and I did pick up a pretty top this year, as the sales are usually the only time I tend to indulge in something from the store, as I find it crazy expensive. Some shops were a complete let down- H&M and Penneys, for example. H&M had very basic things on offer- plain tops, vests and simplistic dresses. Their new range for S/S 2014 also is very disspointing- the clothes are too basic, there is no embellishments or bright colours, nothing caught my eye at all, not even the jewellery, which has been the same since the early summer. Penneys was also a let down when I visited it a few days later, as I was looking for dresses specifically, and the choice was vast, but really poor. Having said that, this didn't apply to all clothes- jumpers, jeans and things were also on offer and were worth a look or two.

Here's the things that I ended up with, after all the giving and the buying!

Glitter Leggings+Socks+Bed Linen

Like I said, I wasn't too impressed with Penney's selection of dresses this time, but I did pick up a few things nevertheless. I had my eye on these glitter leggings for a while, but I never really dared to even try them on, but seeing them on sale, I tried them on and they fitted amazing, just like a softer, glitter version of American Apparel's Disco Pants. They're high-waisted, gorgeously glitterly and sparkly, and for 5e, I am sooo in love. Me and my mum also picked up this vintage inspired bed cover for my bedroom, and I was also lucky enough to receive these adorable slipper-socks on Christmas Day.

Thrifted Lace top
I don't think I can go two weeks without ending up in a charity shop, and I say that with no shame. Charity and hospice shops are proper amazing, the money made goes to great causes, and quite often I end up picking up gorgeous clothes! This soft blue lace top is no exception, but what I really love about it is the Peter Pan collar. I wore this under my jumpers all last week, and the collar sits on top of the neckline of the jumper, giving it a cute twist.

Pink Heart Onesie

My gorgeous best friend Ava went out and got me my first onesie, so thanks loveen! It's 'proper lush' as they say, and it actually is haha:) It's the comfiest thing ever, soo soft and fluffy and I feel like a really oversized baby when I wear it, but hey, we all have our moments. 

Terry's Chocolate Orange
I was spoilt for terrys this year, so thank you to everyone who got me some! Unfortunately there's only wrappers left, so I really should've taken the picture before I started eating, but oh well.

Rose Bath Set
We do Secret Santa every year in school, and the Sammy the babe herself had me! She got me a little rose bath set- a body cream, a scrub and bath salts. I love little bath sets like these, they're so simple to buy, their scent is gorgeous, they're inexpensive and I love receiving them every year so thanks babe:) 

Ardell's Demi Wispies+Paul Arden's book

My lovely sister really gives me the best presents, and this year she gave me the famous Ardell's Demi Wispies false eyelashes, as I had watched soo many youtubers loving these lashes (Michelle Phan, Zoella, etc) and was dying to try them out for myself. I wore them Christmas day and even though I did get compliments I think I will reserve them for nights out as they are a teensy bit too dramatic for daytime wear, in my opinion. I will review them soon, so stay tuned! She also gave me a little inspiration book, and I was thrilled as I barely have any!

Converse All Star 
These classic Converse were my main present from Santy, and I am soo in love. They're perfectly gorgeous, the bright red colour is so striking and I've wanted them for ages. I usually like twists on classics, but I'm so in love with these, they go with everything- dresses, skinnies, shorts...the list goes on and on. I've been wearing them non-stop, and hopefully I can sneak them into school when I don't feel like wearing boring black shoes.

River Island Top
Last year, during the St Stephen's day sales, I went into River Island and got myself a pretty girly top, and this year I did the exact same. I probably would've gotten more clothes if all size 8's weren't sold out :C This is pure gorgeous- it's an amazing soft pink top, with loud frills attached to the neckline, and it's one of those clothes that I say 'dances when its on me' (don't ask). The back isn't left plain, thick tailoring accompanies the gold buttons, and the top itself is of really high quality, as it's made from thick material, not something you see in the cheaper items in River Island! It wasn't that cheap for an item on sale, costing 17e, but it's sooo pretty I couldn't resist.

Christmas Jumper
Last, but not least, I got my first ever Christmas jumper this year! This was a gift from my mum to me, and it's double knit, so it's soft and keeps me warm. I wore this on Christmas Day, I love the reindeer design- it's so fun and festive. I also wore my blue lace Peter Pan Collared top underneath, and the collar sat beautifully on top of the neckline, the red colours matching my new Converse haha:)

Twiggy's Book+2014 diary
We popped into one of those cheap discount stores on the 26th, and for just 5e in total, I got a 'Keep Calm' 2014 diary and Twiggy's book! I love those euro shops, they're absolutely amazing.

Thanks for reading!

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x

Thursday 19 December 2013

Life Lately: end of 2013

This is literally all I've been obsessed with when I haven't been sweating over the exams.

Joey Essex marry me pls

in the words of Troye Sivan 'ayyy Finnick would get it'

You guys are so amazing thank you so much

Thank you for sticking with my blog and for reading!

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x

Saturday 14 December 2013

My Specsavers Short Story Competition Entry

Hi guys! So in mid November, I was getting my new glasses from Specsavers and I picked up a little leaflet that I noticed whilst waiting. It had a little cartoon on it, and advertised the Specsavers 2013 Children's Short Story Competition. For more information on the competition, go here. The closing date for sending in entries was the 29th of November, and I did scribble a little story and post it to them, but I've also decided to share my story with you. The rules of the competition were to write a story inspired by the cartoon on the leaflet, which was a man and a woman, dressed in summer gear, on one of those little pedal boats, stranded in the middle of glaciers and polar bears. The woman is saying 'I told you not to pedal so fast!', and inspired by the themes suggested by the cartoon, I based my story around global warming. Hope you enjoy! 


I can only remember how pretty the glaciers had once been.

They rested in the water, like diamonds were encrusted in their peaks, because that’s exactly how glittering, dazzling, brilliant their appearance was. Some had sharp peaks, sharper than a silver knife, ‘could slice right through your veins and arteries and capillaries so fast you wouldn’t notice’, as my father always used to say, accompanied by a chuckle. Some had softer, more glossy, more delicate curves as peaks, like freshly whipped meringue, but they all were astoundingly beautiful, and as the cold North wind used to blow on my face, watching the glaciers float in the -50 degree waters relaxed me, eased out my stresses, like my hometown always did when I returned.

But there’s no glaciers anymore, there’s no sharp or soft peaks, there’s barely anything left of my hometown, the phenomenally warm weather has taken all of our glaciers from us, melted them down into the clear icy water. When I finally came home, at long last, my mother told me with sad eyes how I didn’t even see them melt, didn’t see the biggest interests of my childhood fade away, whither into water, but I was happy. I didn’t need to see them shrink, melt into the water as the snow covered mountains surrounded them, as the sun shone brightly down on them, killing them slowly without realization. I’m happy that I left when the glaciers were still there, and I’m happy I have come back and they have vanished.

And I never got to witness their vanishing because he always drove fast. Right from the moment I met him, he didn’t like to waste time getting to places when he could already be there. Literally. Each time we got into his car, I would barely close the passenger’s door before he would hit the road, 100m/ph. And I didn’t care, I loved the dry road. I loved Nevada, I loved how he had taken me there, I loved how he rode the car along the dry tarmac as the sun poured all around us. I loved how he had taken me from a quiet town in the North Pole, and flew me out to Nevada, on the second week since I met him. I loved how spontaneous he was, I loved how free our mad adventure was.

 I was only 17 when he swept me away in a flourish, and I ran away from reality with him, my only reality was him and the bright sun, the land of passion and extreme heat and unimaginably free desires.

And that’s probably why I’m on my own now, staring at the ocean that was once full of breathtakingly gorgeous glaciers. Maybe it’s because he drove fast, made ridiculous decisions that weren’t carefully thought out. Maybe it’s because he did things and consumed things until things consumed him, damaged him and his surroundings, impacting him and all those around him, bleeding long after the sword had struck.

So I hope you enjoyed that little story, all it took was one sitting to write and edit! I haven't gotten a reply from Specsavers yet, fingers crossed! I used the terms of upbringing roots, home, tragic love and tied it all in at the last paragraph. Like I said, fingers crossed!

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x

Thursday 12 December 2013

My Winter Essentials

And I'm back, in a flourish of apologies of course.. I haven't blogged in quite a while now and it's true to say Ive geniunely really missed it! To tell the truth, I have been really busy, but I do have state exams later on in June, however don't fret as I am back and I've some blog post ideas in mind that im sure you guys will love!

Today, though, I'm telling you about my winter essentials, things I could never do without in these cold times. Luckily, it's not even cold at all for a December this year, but I still find myself reaching for these quite often and I pretty much can't live without them. I don't like this season of jumpers and dawns that are always late, but these little things make my waiting for hot summer nights so much easier!

In the wintertime, I always tend to go for a stronger, bolder pout. A lip balm is always a must-have, amazing for dry chapped lips, and this Neutrogena balm is no exception. I got this new dark red/wine coloured lipstick from Essence's new Long-Lasting Lipstick range, and I love it so, so much.  It's a nice change from my usual pinks and reds, it's dark but warm, like a cosy Christmas Eve (okay Gaby caaaalmmm...). Ahem, anyway, I find that a strong pout isn't complete without a lipliner and a lipgloss. I use the liner to define my lips and make them look fuller, glide on the lipstick and blot some of this gloss on top, and it works a treat! Also, I'm aware this is all Essence- a brand you know I love, but have come off a bit recently, but it's good to know it's there when I need it!

Essence lipliner in 06 I'm Yours
Essence lipstick in 04 On the Catwalk
Essence gloss in 15 True Love

Oh, The 1975...but let's talk about the hat. It's Penneys, and a bargain at 3e. I'm never the one to throw on a cosy cute hat and head out, but I've worn this a few times, with my long extensions in it looks pretty and cute, and I will be definitely wearing it more.

Thanks to my lovellyyy sister, I now have an iPod Touch, a good change from my pink Shuffle! And yes, I'm kind of obsessed with The 1975, especially 'You'. Their songs are unreal, I could listen to them for days without end... I don't really like bands usually, but they are pure genius! Highly recommend you give their songs a listen, especially 'Chocolate' and 'Sex'.

Look who's reading again! I've been thumbing through paperbacks since I was 9, but ever since I started secondary school, I've been reading much and much less. Thankfully, I've gotten back into it recently, and together with these, I've also been reading the Fault In Our Stars by John Green (i can't even) and the Hunger Games series (so many feels). They get me through long winter nights!

Nailpolishes now, and I think winter, especially Christmastime, is a perfect time for bold reds, greens and glitter. These too, coincidentally, are Essence, but really any red and glitter combo will do.

Chapped, dry and sore hands are common this time of year, and I can never find where I leave my handcream, but E45 is always by my bedside and rescues me. It does wonders, and dry skin is gone in a second.

I've started editing my photos for better quality and clarity, so I hope the photos are better! I'm so happy to be blogging again!

Gaby x

My Twitter- @gabysayshey