Sunday 20 October 2013

Sweet Like Cinnamon is 1 Year Old!

So today, on the 20th October 2013, my little blog, Sweet Like Cinnamon, turned 1 year old.

I remember myself 1 year ago, when I pushed 'publish' on my first blog post, I felt like I was finally doing something in terms of my career in fashion and writing. I felt like a 'blogger'- one of those successful bloggers, who wore Wildfox and spent their nights replying to dozens of facebook messages from their fans. My little blog got 29 pageviews overnight, and I was overjoyed. I had only told my sister and two friends about it right when I posted it, so who the hell was reading? Nevertheless, I was delighted. Someone out there had discovered my blog, and they were reading it!

And a year passed- definitely one of the toughest, as I found myself facing difficulties I would never have to encounter. But I'm here now, and I made through it all- and now I'm feeling so proud of my 4,500 pageviews in just a year. It might not be the most, but it definitely isn't the least, and I'm so happy. I have a little blogging routine, and I love every aspect of it- taking the photographs, writing the post, twice a week- even though my routine isn't always in tact (oops) I try and try and try and eventually I succeed, and that's the most important thing.
Ava made me a super cute card- thanks loveen!

I didn't have a clue of blogging last year, and I hadn't a clue what I was doing when I clicked the 'publish' button for the first time. I'm so thrilled how it turned out however- I couldn't be happier, my little blog is a way of escaping, something to do, something to take my mind off things.

So thank you so much for reading! Thank you so much for sticking with this blog for a whole year so far, and hopefully there's many more to come! Please make sure to follow- add this blog's URL to your reading list, as it would mean the world to me.

Gaby x

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