Sunday 20 October 2013

Sweet Like Cinnamon is 1 Year Old!

So today, on the 20th October 2013, my little blog, Sweet Like Cinnamon, turned 1 year old.

I remember myself 1 year ago, when I pushed 'publish' on my first blog post, I felt like I was finally doing something in terms of my career in fashion and writing. I felt like a 'blogger'- one of those successful bloggers, who wore Wildfox and spent their nights replying to dozens of facebook messages from their fans. My little blog got 29 pageviews overnight, and I was overjoyed. I had only told my sister and two friends about it right when I posted it, so who the hell was reading? Nevertheless, I was delighted. Someone out there had discovered my blog, and they were reading it!

And a year passed- definitely one of the toughest, as I found myself facing difficulties I would never have to encounter. But I'm here now, and I made through it all- and now I'm feeling so proud of my 4,500 pageviews in just a year. It might not be the most, but it definitely isn't the least, and I'm so happy. I have a little blogging routine, and I love every aspect of it- taking the photographs, writing the post, twice a week- even though my routine isn't always in tact (oops) I try and try and try and eventually I succeed, and that's the most important thing.
Ava made me a super cute card- thanks loveen!

I didn't have a clue of blogging last year, and I hadn't a clue what I was doing when I clicked the 'publish' button for the first time. I'm so thrilled how it turned out however- I couldn't be happier, my little blog is a way of escaping, something to do, something to take my mind off things.

So thank you so much for reading! Thank you so much for sticking with this blog for a whole year so far, and hopefully there's many more to come! Please make sure to follow- add this blog's URL to your reading list, as it would mean the world to me.

Gaby x

Sunday 13 October 2013

Halo Hair Extensions: 7 Months Update

If you're a frequent reader of this blog, you'll know that I invested in 20" Light Brown Halo Hair Extensions, seven months ago (March). I a wrote a review on these extensions when I first go them but I think it's important to do an updated review post about them, to give potential buyers my honest feedback.

First of all, I do want to say that I have fallen in and out of love with these extensions. I did have to dye them twice to get the colour I originally thought they were (in the picture they look like my exact hair colour- they arrived ginger!), first a blond and then a dark brown and the colour was gorgeous, however every single time I washed the extensions the colour washed out, and I'm sure that eventually they will go back to their original colour.

The set consists of 8 pieces- 2 wide, with 3 clips, 2 medium, with 2 clips and 4 strands with single clips for the front. This is what my extensions look like now- and yes I did loose one of the single clip strands..

As you can see in the photo, the extensions are dark and thick at the base but as you move down, they get lighter and thinner, inevitably drier. They were like this when I first got them, and it's just the way they are. I use oil on the ends every single day, but over time, they become really light, super dry, with split ends and a rough feel. I have trimmed those split ends, and like I said I use oil on them, but they remain the same.

The ends of the hair are probably the biggest dissapointment- other than that, they are fine. As I've had to trim them once or twice, their length is nearly the same as my own hair. I will try dyeing the ends a darker shade to give the illusion of thickness, but really it's time to cross my fingers in the hope that Santy brings me a new set of extensions. As you can see in the photo above, my Halo Hair Extensions look great with a set of synthetic curly extensions- these ones are from Penneys, shhh.

Overall, my feedback is 50/50. The ends are definitely dissapointing, and I won't be buying Halo Hair Extensions again. I think it's better to go for a set of Irresistible Me or Bellami hair extensions, and pay the 80e I know will pay off.

Thanks so much for reading!

Gaby x

Friday 11 October 2013

My Memory Box

Hello all my sweeties, and I'm so sorry I dissapeared- the Junior Cert, even though it's in it's early stages, it is so tough already and with the days becoming shorter and daylight becoming scarcer and scarcer, I really haven't had that much time to spend on the ole' blog, writing or taking photos. However, I'm back with a new blog post and today, I'm going to be talking about something a little different.

Every now and then, I like to do posts that let you learn more about my life and my own personality. Even though my follower number is low, I will soon hit a crazy 5,000 pageviews so someone must be reading! (Don't forget to follow btw, I'll love you for life xo)

So today I'm showing you a few things that are inside my memory box- my very first Vans shoe box, things that are of sentimental value to me, and little things I treasure because I think it's just something nice to have especially when I get older. I think it's also a super cute idea for a present for someone if you haven't got much money to spend or whatever, it will really come across as a caring and thoughtful gift!

So here they are- my few sentimentalities!

This is the band they gave us at my sister's university graduation ceremony

My first iPod headphones, the cute little bow I got in the box with my first hair extensions, the very first glowstick I got at my very first disco

Vilnius bus tickets (yes it is only 1,75LT for a student ticket on a city bus), Luas tickets, Train tickets...

The box of my first ever designer box of perfume- yes it was Miss Dior Cherie that I got on my 13th birthday, and yes I still have it, and the cork of the very first bottle of champagne I opened single handedly and yes it did hit the ceiling and yes it did leave a dent..

Thanks for reading this short post, I hope you enjoyed it! As this blog will be 1 year old  on Oct 20th, I have some very very exciting news coming up that involves a lot of editing *hint hint*. Help me reach 5,000 pageviews before that date! 

Gaby x