Tuesday 6 August 2013

Stuttgart '13

This summer I've been doing bits of travelling and visiting new places, trying new things, all being really fun, but before heading off to Vilnius for our annual visit, we had to attend my sister's graduation first. It took place in the pretty, pretty town of Stuttgart in south of Germany, and I had never been in Deutschland before, so the entire experience was really new, exciting and adventurous.

In total we spend around 4 days in Stuttgart- Friday was wasted on trying to find the hotel, Saturday was the grad, Sunday we walked round in our exhausted states and 'explored' the city centre (which is huuge compared to Dublin's, by the way) and Monday we did a bit of retail therapy (hellooo acid and bleach wash skinnies) before heading off to Copenhagen to catch our connection to Vilnius. 

All in all, it was a really fun experience apart from a few glitches and things- however I wouldn't change any of it. I tried my first Starbucks (!), got to see my sister graduate college after what surely has been an exhausting four long years for her, realized how good I actually am at giving my dad directions from the GPS and practiced my German accent when buying things (all I really know is 'Hallo!' and 'Danke' haha). An unusual but fun weekend for sure!

It's so hard to condense down all the beautiful photos I took- however I tried to do my best. I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading!

Gaby x

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