Friday 4 April 2014

Body Image - Feeling 'Fat'

A good few months ago I wrote a blog post about Body Image, which was actually one of my first blog posts. I always felt that body image, body weight and looking 'good' is a touchy topic, especially when it comes to weight- especially when it comes to being thin.

I started this blog because I felt I had a lot of knowledge in regards to all things beauty and fashion- especially makeup, which products to use and which to not, my small hauls and the things I wear, because they're topics I'm passionate about. Obviously, I'm only 15 years old so I haven't been educated on any of these things, but I am interested in them and I do follow fashion trends.

There is things people can and can't wear, if they want to look good in it, stat. It applies to everyone- not everyone will look amazing in a bodycon dress and not everyone will look amazing in a skater dress, but that's just the way it is. It is life, for crying out loud- not everyone is A+ in a particular subject, and not everyone can run the fastest- it's the exact same with clothes.

Unfortunately, the minute something doesn't look good on someone, they burst out with the only conclusion that seems reasonable to them- 'I'm fat.' This is madness, oh my goodness- short shorts can't suit everyone, it doesn't matter what the scales say- your weight is irrelevant. People are different, their body shapes are different- and just because a leather skirt looks good on you, doesn't mean it will look good on me. Just because wedges look good on Mary down the street, doesn't mean they will look good on her friend who is the exact same weight.

There are body shapes, and magazines refer them to things like 'Apple, Carrot, Pear' and if you want to categorize yourself under those categories, it is completely fine. Reality is, that 'Pears' will not look as good with some clothes on as 'Carrots' do, and that's completely fine too. Some items of clothing don't suit some body types- for example, being tall and thin, with a dress that doesn't have a cinched-in waist, the dress will look like it's hanging off a hanger when I put it on. 

Being a girl that complaints about her weight, every now and again- because it is too low, keep it in mind- I'm addressing this too all girls that consider themselves 'fat'. If you feel you are overweight, then do something about it- eat a balanced, healthy diet, go to the gym more often- but hearing you complain bitterly about your weight and how 'fat' you look when wearing a tight dress is exhausting. Some shops make mistakes of catering clothes that will suit thin girls only, and that's a mistake too. Shop around and look for clothes that you love and feel confident and beautiful in- embrace your body type, and show as much flesh as you want to, as long as you're not giving out about your weight. Be realistic about things that suit you and things that don't - even though a lot of people tell me I have a so-called 'perfect' body type, there is still types of clothes I would never wear.

Remember, confidence shines through- and just because you feel you look overweight in a certain top, doesn't mean you actually are- and most of the girls that say they're 'fat', most of the time aren't. Your confidence is the most important thing, so wear whatever makes you happy- looks aren't everything- and that's coming from a fashion and beauty blogger :)

Thanks for reading!
My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x

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