Sunday 16 March 2014

Matty Healy

Oh Matty, Matty, Matty. Matty Healy is the lead singer of the indie rock band the 1975, to which everyone who is anyone is listening to at the moment. They're flawless, their music is raw, liquid gold and I have been loving them since about November/October, ever since I discovered Chocolate. I downloaded a few other 'popular' songs of theirs and then I got addicted and now boom! I'm obsessed.

Matty really pulls the band together, but he wouldn't really make it out on his own. He writes all the lyrics to the songs, and yes, he does get occasionally high, which explains why some lyrics make -0.78% sense. Nevertheless, he is absolutely gorgeous as he whips his thick, dark locks in front of the 1975 logo at his gigs as his little pale hands brush the expensive guitar strings for 'Girls'. He drinks a lot, and is tired a lot, but it all adds up to his tired, Doc Marten-wearing, ripped jeans image. His black leather jackets killed me- and after my beloved green one was unfortunately stolen, I went out and bought a black leather one, which I cannot- cannot - live without. 

One of my favourite things about Matty is his interviews- especially the way he talks. It's not just some junkie, tired and run down rubbish no one can understand- no, Matty talks like a wise man, the way he phrases his sentences, bases his experiences on the band and puts it all into perspective. He doesn't lie, when a journalist asked him how the singles first came out, he replied, 'We had nothing. All we had was a laptop, and my bedroom. We got our shit together, we started releasing records. We had nothing, we stole everything else.' I think that's something really admirable. It's not necessary to go out and steal things, obviously, but if you really want it, and think you can get it, then go for it. 

My favourite songs include Chocolate (obvs), Girls, Settle Down, 102, HNSCC, Head.Cars.Bending, She Way Out, Sex, Menswear, You and The City.

Matty gets often asked of how the band name came along. He always explains how when he was 17, he got given some poetry notebooks and a diary of a mad, suicidal man, who dated his entries with the year 'the 1975'. This caught Matty's attention, and well, the rest is history. I think it's amazing you still have some genuinely creative people left, and not wannabe personalities. Matty was already reading poetry books at 17, writing his own lyrics. As of today, his band is 10 years old, and Matty is only 24. Truth be told, they didn't graft tirelessly for those 10 years, he says they only 'got our shit together and started making records' recently. Creative talent shines through so early, and I think it's amazing Matty has been doing his own thing his entire life, even during the tender years of teenagehood.

Their best-known song, Chocolate, is a love letter to the police is Manchester. Matty may have 300 non- stop gigs this year, but he was a rebellious, carefree teenager who made fun of the cops as they 'had nothing better to do but chase us down for smoking'. This rebellious side of his reflects in his songs, and his fans mean the world to him- and he definitely means the world to us, too.

Thank you so much for reading!
Shoutout to my best babe Siobhan <3
My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x

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