Sunday 19 May 2013

Dublin/Birthday Haul

Sorry for the absence of posts- been soo busy either 'socialising' or studying for my exams, but I'm posting today with a haul - my favourite type of post, as I'm a nosey person and love to see what other bloggers have bought, and love to put my goodies up on the internet as well. 

My birthday was on Wednesday- I turned 15 on the 15th! As last year, I didn't ask for a present from my parents, just a trip to the city with the bright lights- Dublin- for a shopping spree. This year, I took Ava with me, and we literally had the best day ever. In the midst of the crowds, we saw beautiful people everywhere, dancing horses, 'pweety pweety clothes', friendly Lush sales people and tried on highest heels in New Look, whilst buying things here and there. Dublin city centre isn't that big, but the shops are colossal and every piece of clothing needs observation.

Anyway, I really had the 'mintest' day ever, and here are the goodies that I ended up buying!

I've wanted a spike bracelet for aages, and this one is from Penneys. The Topshop nail polish is in the colour Mannequin, and I love love love its natural beige shade.

I've finally added some monochrome to my wardrobe- shorts for the summer and a loose light top for those hot hot hot days. The shorts are from H&M, and the top is New Look, even though it's one of the different brands.

I was after this bag for literally forever, and now I've finally got it! However, it's a little plain, as in my memory I thought it had gold spikes, so I will have to invest in some and superglue them on, to give it a little bit of a twist. As this is my first 'proper' leatherette bag that every feminine charachter should have, I invested in a super cute pink make up bag to go into it. They're both Penneys, and as we waited for our train in Heuston Station, I picked up June's Vogue and the first ever issue of Miss Vogue, with Cara being perfect and flawless on it.

Oh, skinny jeans, how I love you. And Penneys, thank you for feeding my addiction. I've been wearing these blue acid wash 'jeggings' non stop, and I couldn't even force myself to take them off for the photo. They have gold zips at the bottom, and being the hipster I am, I fold the ends.

This pretty silver chain was given to me by Sky, my sister, and it travelled all the way from Germany to me. It's the most gorgeous thing ever, and the butterfly charm is just adorable.

I worship Lush goodies, but the nearest Lush to me is the Dublin one, and as it's quite expensive, I can never buy too much, so I was delighted when I found a Lush goody in the package too. This is a Lush Shine Shampoo Bar, and I'll be doing a review on it soon.

This is my windowsill after all the fun days- roses, an album of myself and Ava from Ava, and cards. I had a brill birthday, and as always, thanks for reading!

Gaby x

Monday 6 May 2013

Life, Lately: April

I know I said I'll be doing a Life Lately post every three months only, but I've started taking more pictures and somehow enjoying life a little more during this April, so here is an another Life Lately post.

Halo Hair Extensions
I did a review on these, and I literally have been wearing them non-stop, they've given me so much confidence and I'm really happy with them. However, in the review, I didn't give you photos, so here you are. Don't mind the colour as I dyed them twice, so they're nowhere 
near their original shade.

Essence Colour and Go shade 90 I want that! and NYC nail polish shade 221 Spring Street
Nail polishes, no matter how pretty the colour is, always annoy me and I always peel them off my nails. These have been no exception, the minute they begin to flake I peel them right off my nails, but the shades are so girly and pretty that I put them on more or less each week.

Garnier SOS Repair Hand Cream
I love a good hand cream, and this is unreal. It leaves my hands silky, and non-greasy, which is essential for me. However, it isn't runny, but still thick and non-greasy, and I've been using it every day.

Thrifted shirt+H&M Floral Oxford Collar shirt
I'm in looove with the oxford collar- it's soooo me. I button these shirts right to the top to create the statement, and seeing as these shirts are not see-through, you can wear them in the summer, with a tank top underneath or in the winter, with layers underneath. The oxford collar is impossible to go wrong, you can wear it anywhere, and when your shirt (or dress!) has a gorgeous pastel or boroque, in my case, print, you will always make a statement and rake in compliments.

Floral Pattern
This is a pattern off a dress I've been loving and wearing lots. Because I couldn't take a proper picture of the bodycon, I decided to capture one of its pretty patterns instead.

First 99 of 2013
It might not feel like summer just yet, but I had this in early April, and it tasted like summer and the seaside in a cone.

Pretty skies
Speaking of summer,  April had some beautiful warm spring evenings, and I captured one of them.

The Hunger Games
This might seem unbelievably shocking, but I hadn't watched this movie until 2 nights ago. Now, before you start flinging stuff at your computer screen, because everyone was sooo madly in love with this movie, I figured I would be the same once I watched it. I would get so obsessed with it, read all the books, read all the fanfics, and literally go crazy on the Hunger Games mania. Anyway, one late night 2 days ago I decided to finally watch it- and yes, I loved it so so so so so so much. It's utterly brilliant, and here is a picture of Katniss and Peeta, 'cos well you know. Katniss. Peeta.

Thanks for reading guys, and here is an inspirational quote! Have a good day!

Gaby x

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Mini Thrift Shop Haul

Thrift shops - or charity shops as we call them here - usually are not my go-to places of finding new goodies. When I'm shopping, I usually got to shops like Penneys (Primark), H&M or New Look, and true, I might go home with a bag that's light and a purse that's empty, but I always convince myself I'm getting the best deal- price wise, trend wise and make-me-feel-good wise. 

My mother loves charity shops and always stops at them if she passes one, but I never bother to look at the clothes so much and yawn my way through flicking at old CD's, but this time, I actually bothered to flick through a couple of rails at the charity shops downtown, and found myself actually spotting things I liked. I got two tops- which is good effort for someone who was barely trying, each at 4e.

The first one is a Wallis top, with no sleeves and a pretty fruity design. It has a big zip down the back, as a statement piece, and because this summer is meant to be hot hot hot, I figured an another top wouldn't hurt. The second top I like a little more, just because it's a little more 'dressy'. It's a light blouse, with a black Peter Pan colar which I love so much, and a boroque swirly design that I've been seeing everywhere, but hadn't actually bought a piece with it. It's perfect to wear for both summer and winter, as it isn't see through, so it doesn't matter if you're just wearing a black bra or a thermal vest underneath- no one will see it anyway.

Me and my green motorcycle jacket went thrift shopping.


My blog has just hit an amazing 2,000 views- my initial reaction was WUT, and still is. Thank you so much for reading my blog and be sure to subscribe! 

Gaby x