Tuesday 12 February 2013

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

I'm a new blogger, so obviously you don't know me that well. Here's 10 things you should know! :)

Ava and myself making faces as usual

#10: I strongly dislike superstition, and I'm not religious.
It's just my opinion, I think believing in things that probably aren't there is a little waste of time, but each to their own.

#9: I've been in love three times.

#8: I can't be left unsupervised around a bottle of Shloer, a pack of Double Stuff Oreos or a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

#7: I hate it when people can't pronounce my name properly- if you can't say Gabija (my first name), say Gaby! (my nickname). All hell breaks loose when the school secretary tries to say my full name on the intercom.

#6: I'm a cat person.

#5: My addictions are Facebook, pictures of Jeffrey Campbell shoes, writing and fashion.

#4: I love baking, even though sometimes the outcomes are disastrous.  Examples include Christmas Cake, chocolate chip cookies and cheesecake :(

#3: I am actually a really weird person, but when you get to know me, my weirdness can be overlooked (sometimes haha).

#2: I love looking at the sky- the pretty clouds, the bright colours, and when the stars are out. One of the happiest moments in my life include seeing a shooting star (I said, I'm strange).

#1: Even though I'm useless at getting up early in the morning, it's actually my favourite time of day, because everything is so quiet and peaceful (yep, more weirdness..)

My blog is close to an amazing 1,000 views! Thank you so much for reading it, and please follow it as it would make my day! Just add the URL of my blog to your reading list on Blogger if you're on Google, and click follow.

Gaby x