Saturday 24 November 2012

Body Image

I have always been skinny.

Ever since I was a little girl, my mother would have to 'take in' my trousers and skirts, because I had such a slim waist. I've always wanted to be a little 'fuller', especially now, but I can't do anything about it, because being slim runs in my family- I'm thin, my sister's thin, my mam's thin and so is my dad, so even if I ate 6 million calories a day, I would still be the same, skinny arms and a tiny waist.

I have always been really insecure about my weight. I've never been anorexic and I've never suffered from any sort of an eating disorder, I always eat till I'm full, but I've still stayed skinny and there's nothing that I know I can do about it.

However, I still get comments on my weight. Things like 'You're like a stick!' and 'Ohmygod you are sooo skinny' I've been hearing since forever, and I'm so used to them that I don't even hear them anymore, but they still stay in my concience and when I'm feeling really down, they creep out and slap me in the face and bring me down deeper, but this post isn't about me moaning. It's about that being called a stick is as hurtful as being called fat.

Most people would never believe that in a million years, because they think that being called a stick is a compliment, but its the truth. I'm skinny and I know I'm skinny, so there is no need to rub it in! I don't go up to girls that maybe aren't as stick thin as I am, and I don't start calling them fat, so don't be calling me a bloody stick!

The irony is, that people actually believe that having your slim figure rudely pointed out and over exaggerated is a compliment. But what you need to know is that girls will never, ever, ever take being called a stick a compliment- just like girls with curves will never, ever, ever take being called fat a compliment.

Especially nowdays- and this really effects teenage girls in my opinion- there is the unbelievable pressure to look like a grown up young lady, i.e., have the body of Marilyn Monroe and be able to strut it and show it off on nights out wearing tight dresses.

Coming up to discos and things like that, I spend hours deciding what I'm going to wear and will it make me look too skinny? or make it look like I've no boobs? Or maybe my waist will look freakishly small? I try outfits on and off, and invite my friends over to get their opinion, and ending up wearing something completely different as to what I was originally planning to wear, because I look like a normal person in this dress, and it dosen't matter if I don't end up wearing my new shorts, becouse this playsuit is better.

I'm not the only one undergoing remarks about my slim figure. I know girls that are absolutely lovely, but are thin and people do comment on their weight and are sometimes really rude. So I'm standing up for thin girls everywhere. Thin girls that get comments on their weight, thin girls that get called 'sticks', thin girls that wish they weren't so slim and can do nothing to 'fatten' themselves up. I'm one of these girls and my weight is none of your business, so don't comment on it. You don't know how we feel about our bodies, so don't assume we love them.

Gaby x

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