Thursday 14 May 2015

17 Things I Learned During the First 17 Years of My Life

I turn 17 this Friday. Honestly, I cannot believe so much time has passed and I actually feel so old. In some areas of my life, I feel like I should be trying a little harder (cough maths cough), and in others, I feel like I am working to my full potential and more. I have learned so much over this past 17 years, and I feel like in many ways, I still have such a long way to go, such a crazy, fun, successful and hopefully long life ahead of me. Here's me toasting to myself. Here's me teaching you 17 things I have taught myself over the years.

1. You've got to stop watering dead plants. You have to let go of people that you don't need in your life, that repeatedly hurt you. You need to get rid of dead weight.

2. Always bring a pair of flats with you if you decide to wear heels for the day. Always. 

3. Speak your mind but don't be rude. Just because something has to be said, doesn't mean it has to be heard.

4. Start studying a few weeks before big tests, a few months before state exams. Make a realistic study plan and try to stick to it. You'll be so relieved you did later.

5. Take time choosing what cosmetics to buy. Invest in more expensive products if possible, do research on them before purchasing. Over time you will have a good quality, versatile makeup stash you can use anywhere.

6. If you're in a relationship that doesn't really hold any value to you, or if you cannot see a future with that person, let go. Don't waste your time.

7. Listen to music you like. Don't care what anybody else says or thinks, you like it, no matter how folk, western, rock or techno it is, stick your headphones in and let it play, loud.
It's actually sad how accurate these two photos are- they are legitimately, the summary of all I do.

8. Be nice to your teachers. You may secretly despise them, but arguing with them will get you nowhere.

9. Have some alcohol, smoke a cigarette. Only if you want to. Don't give in to peer pressure, make your own decisions. Everything in moderation.

10. Get in the habit of taking care of your skin. Cleanse, tone, moisturise every morning and evening. It's hard at first, but you will eventually get into a routine and you won't ever forget to look after your skin. It'll become like brushing teeth.

11. Be fair to yourself. Take care of yourself. Don't hang around toxic people, don't get into pointless drama. Stick to a group of friends you trust and that trust you. There's only so much you can do until you know you need a change from the people around you.

12. Don't let stupid boys make you sad.

13. Watch makeup/hair tutorials on Youtube. They will save your life and ensure you look gorge always, keep you full of handy tips and get you loads of compliments. 

14. Read books, watch movies. Go on walks in the park with you dog. Gaze out the window on long car journeys and dance to songs in your room. Write things every once in a while, or draw if you prefer. Let your mind wander, let yourself breathe.

15. Check back to every so often because let's face it, it's the best blog ever (not even guilty).

16. Love yourself. Tidy your room, pet your cat. Talk to your parents every once in a while, they are always there for you. Your mother is really your best friend and you dad will help you make decisions.

17. Be your own hero, nobody else will save you. If you're feeling down, do something about it. Look after yourself, love yourself, keep yourself healthy and happy and everything else will sort itself out.

Thank you so much for reading! I have been writing this little blog since I was 14, so its become like a diary to me. Thank you for clicking back and reading my rambles, I appreciate it more than you will ever know.

Gaby x

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