Tuesday 23 September 2014

Coffee Cups, Everywhere

Another photography based blog post for you guys- this one is a little sillier, haha :) As some of you may know, I have been doing a bit of travelling (well, my version of travelling haha) over the past years, and I have collected a few photos of coffee cups and caffeine drinks. I have an obsession with overpriced coffee- the smell, the taste, the pure luxury of a good coffee makes my day. Hope you enjoy!

My very first Starbucks is from Stuttgart, Germany- a Strawberry and Cream Frappe. A very proud moment for the world.

My first Vero Cafe Fresh n'Tasty- this one is Shweppes with Blueberry syrup. This is a tradition in Vilnius, Lithuania for me and my friends.

CoffeeCompany in Amsterdam this year- I think this is just a standard latte.

My favourite Vero- Russian Shweppes and Watermelon syrup, with loads of ice. On hot days, this keeps me alive. Once again, Vilnius.

Coffee Inn, or the Lithuanian Starbucks. Obviously I had to try some. This is a salted caramel mochiatto. Oh, and the streets of the pretty Old Town.

Looked gorge!

Our apartament in Vilnius- this coffee I've loved for years, its just the standard Nescafe 3 in 1 Latte. The bun is one I've loved since I was in kindergarden- 'Arbatine Bandele', or Tea Bun, available on Ateities Street

My beloved Gloria Jeans- I live off this stuff whenever I visit Athlone to shop. This is a cappucino, but I've tried many, many coffees and chillers.

Another Coffee Inn purchase in Vilnius- this one was from the Coffee Inn Lab in Gedimino 9 on Gedimino Avenue. This is 'Juoda Balta', or Black and White- one half of the espresso shot was milky cold latte, the other bottom half was black coffee.

And it casually ended up on the floor..looked pretty though!

My latest affair with Gloria Jeans- Creme Brulee Chiller. This tastes unbelievable, and I love the whipped cream on top.

Thank you so much for reading! 

Gaby x

Sunday 14 September 2014

Vilnius '14

Hello again to all of my lovely sweeties, today I am back with a photography and travel related blog post. As some of you may know, I am originally from the capital of Lithunia- Vilnius, and I go back every summer, to visit and to rekindle with old friends and relatives. I hope you have a hot cup of tea ready, as I have a lot of eye candy from my beloved city. Hope you enjoy!

Just a side note- that blue doughnut, is a Breaking Bad doughnut, hence the blue (yes, it is a meth infested doughnut, haha)

Thank you so much for reading! I hope all my fellow TY's/5th year readers got on well with their results- I was delighted with mine, thank god! Sad to think they barely matter, haha:)

Gaby x