Sunday 29 June 2014

Canon 600D

For my 16th birthday, I was gifted a Canon 600D- a DSLR camera with 2 lenses, and I was overjoyed. I've wanted a proper, good quality camera for soo long- the 600D is absolutely flawless for beginners. Over the last month, I haven't been able to put my camera down, and I have taken a good few absolutely stunning paragraphs, that occured after many test shots. Please note that this is not a review of the Canon 600D- I am just showing you its capabilities as a DSLR.

I edit almost all of my photographs- it makes them look better, improves colour and makes them more appealing. Below, I have given you a range of edited and non- edited photographs taken by the Canon. I'm not a professional, and I haven't been educated on photography- I am simply an enthusiast. I hope you enjoy!



And that's it! Admittedly, these are my best photos. To date, I've taken probably over 400 snaps with my Canon- more than half of them being test shots. I love photography and this blog will feature more photographic posts in the future too. As this Canon has 1080p video quality, I may even start a Youtube channel! :D

As for now, thank you for reading!

My Twitter- @gabysayshey - tweet me and say hi!

Gaby x

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Life Lately- First Half of 2014

Hello all my sweeties! So I am finally back- after 15 state exams, I am officially done and over with the Junior Cert and back doing what I love- running this little blog, of course! As I haven't blogged recently, I decided to put up a Life Lately post- where I discuss things I've been loving recently and update you on my latest obsessions. I have fewer beauty and fashion things to ramble about today- I've been trudging in my horrible school uniform through exam halls, makeupless and tired, hence June has gone a little slowly. Anyway, here are the things I have been loving- I hope you enjoy!


Palmer's Dark Chocolate and Cherry Lip Balm
I go through lip balms quite quickly- and I'm always on the hunt for more effective ones, better smelling ones, prettier ones, pinker ones. Although I swear by the good ole' Vaseline, I'm always buying tubs of new lip balms- like this one. I had tried the original Palmer's lip balm, and I loved it- the exact same with this one. This is amazing. It smells amazing, almost good enough to eat. It moisturizes dry lips immediately, leaving a thick layer of butter on the lips with a pretty red tint- it is very tinted, a cherry red colour. This makes my face look more awake and refreshed, and it's been a must-have for the days when I opted for a bare face.

Catrice Waterproof Ultra Fine Ink Eyeliner

Catrice does the job every time- it's like a more grown up version of Essence, with the same price tag. I was actually for the lookout for the original Catrice Liquid Liner, as suggested by the lovely Melanie Murphy in one of her Youtube videos, however I found that this liner had an applicator which was a sponge, and not the usual brush applicators I look for. So I opted for this Ultra Fine Liner, with a small bristle brush. This liner is very much like the Essence Liquid Liner, except the tube is bigger and the brush is a little bigger too. This is great for winged liner, the only liner I do- it's easy to wing it out and get a sharp edge on the wing, and the brush is very flexible, with easy application. If you are desperate to try out the cat eye or eager to master it, I highly recommend this eyeliner. Mine is in the black waterproof shade- 010 Don't Move!


Penney's Jelly Sandals
Every summer, I invest in a few cheap pairs of flats to get me through walking around the town, the Vilnius city and this year- Amsterdam! This year, I wanted retro sandals, and a pair of comfy jelly shoes- and this pair ticked both boxes. I love their alternative mint shade, the weave detail in the front and how undeniably comfy they are. These suit almost every look, from dresses to jeans to skirts to shorts, and make a statement. For only a few euros in Penneys, I'll be wearing these to death- and because of their rubbery-jelly texture, they won't wear quickly.

Thrifted A-Wear Cotton Top

Oh, A-Wear. How I can never bring up myself to pay 40e for a gorgeous top, and how you always pull off every trend, every season. Luckily for me, scouring the local thrift shops with my patient mother every Saturday finally paid off, proving you can get a good bargain in a charity shop. I discovered this absolutely beautiful light cotton top for only 4e, with the most stunning lace trims and lace detail on the front, shoulders and back. It has a high neck, cotton trims and panels with lace ruffles on the front. I can already imagine wearing this on the dusty Vilnius streets with the sun pouring out of the sky- oh my goodness, if only the weather was better here. I am so in love with this beauty, and this may be my best ever thrift shop find- even better than the Topshop skater dress I found a few months ago.


The Junior Cert
3 years, 5 practicals and 15 2 hour exams later, I am done and dusted with the Junior Certificate. Finally, I can breathe :) That is until I come back to school in September, and will have to start preparing for the Leaving Cert in 2 years time haha...anyway, for the meantime, I hope everybody got on well with their exams and I'm wishing you luck for the results, because I know I'll need help hiding them haha:) In the photo, is my best attempts trying to clear and sort through all the JC rubbish and books- the amount of sheets and handouts I have thrown out is unbelievable...

Bertie Gilbert

Another month, another boy crush...I've loved Bertie Gilbert for a long time, ever since he was a cocky Youtuber, and especially now, since he is a creative and mature filmmaker, with 4 short films made and 3 released. Bertie, for a 17 year old filmmaker and director, is extremely talented- his films are beautifully shot with clear messeges and hints beneath the surface. The above is a poster for his third short film only released recently, 'Tick Where It Hurts' - which you can watch here. I've been more into Bertie and his work recently- maybe because he actually DM'ed me on Twitter, after I tweeted him asking why he removed some of his old videos (!!!!!). I, of course, screamed.

Canon 600D
Oh yes, now on to what has been recently making my life exciting. I turned 16 years old in May, and for my birthday, I got something from my parents that I had been after for years- a DSLR camera, specifically the Canon 600D. It took me a long time to choose and select the camera I wanted, and it turns out I'm a Canon girl after all! I got mine from Currys, and purchased a double lens version- meaning I got the standard lens and a powerful 75-300 zoom lens too. I've been craving a good DSLR for ages, both for myself and for this blog, means I'm happier to keep blogging as quality and good images make posts better and prettier. If you're wondering why the photos in this post look better than they usually do, it's thanks to this bad boy! I'm still learning how to use it properly and to its full potential, but I know a lot about it already and I will have a whole post, talking about the Canon and showing some practice shots, coming later this week!

Also, a quick note- I hit 10,000 pageviews earlier this week! Thank you so much for clicking on my blog every week, you guys are amazing.

And that's it! I'm happy to be back blogging, and I hope this lengthy post didn't bore you! Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to comment any favourites you've recently had :)

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x