Tuesday 30 December 2014

2014 Favourites

Hello again to all of my lovely sweeties, I hope you had a fabulous Christmas and I hope your New Year's celebrations top your silly season! I had a lovely Christmas, and Santa definitely spoiled me, the way it should be haha :) 2014, for me, went by sooo quick, and I do feel a little like I got nothing done (the Junior Cert definitely got in the way of this), but looking back now, I did do things, made decisions and even ended relationships with people- all for my own good, that will benefit me in the long run.

Inspirational Tumblr-talk over, I'm going to talk to you about the products and other things I loved during this year. I will talk more than just makeup and beauty, so grab a hot chocolate and enjoy!

Garnier Micellar Water

Oh yes, my definite favourite from the entire year. I wear makeup more or less every day, foundation, powder, bronzer, brows, mascara, liner...and at the end of the day, when only a smudge of it is left, I want to make sure that I take off that smudge as best I can. This. Is. Amazing. It's a water, so it glides on easily, and apparently, it goes into your skin. breaks down the makeup, and then brings it up to be wiped off again. It leaves my skin so free of makeup and so clean, fresh and feeling unreal. I ran out of this a week ago, and used wipes for a few days- my skin felt gunky and horrible, until I went out and got this again. This is even amazing for eye makeup- I just use cotton pads and hold them over my eyes for a few seconds, and everything comes right off. 1000000000/10.

Canon 600D

My new baby and ultimate bae- my new DSLR, in all its glory. I got him for my 16th, and it's the best present I've ever received, hands down. I will have a Photography 2014 post coming your way soon, so you will see how much I have grown as a photographer these past few months. I am really happy with the photos this baby makes, and I am still fiddling round with it- even daring to use the Manual Focus and AF settings more often haha. 

Red Converse

I got these for Christmas last year, and the minute I took them out of their box, my first thought was- 'They're so clean.' Over 2014, I've worn them probably over a hundred times- and now they are dirty, mud stained, lived in and well loved. I've had so many adventures in these shoes, they have carried me through cities, towns, gravel and tarmac roads, through rain, scorching sunshine and bad, gloomy days. I love them so much and I can't wait to update my Cons collection to black high tops (cough, Matty Healy, cough) and white, (cough, Mark Renton a la Trainspotting, cough) and destroy those too, with good memories and high grounds.

Inglot Personalised Palette

I got this in Vilnius, as the gorgeous Inglot ladies helped me pick my shades. I like how Inglot gives you the shades, and lets you do the rest- you can put together your own palettes, which can contain 1, 2, 5, 10 or 24 shades. I went for the happy middle, and for around 30euros, picked up 5 fabulous shades. I chose 2 rainbow colours, one contains warm browns and the other rosy light beiges, both matt. My 3 other colours were really a gamble- I wanted all matt shades, and these are metallic shimmers, the best kind of shiny shadows. I then chose 3 block colours, a light yellow champagne that is really MAC's Shroom, a mushroom-y grey-brown, and an orange Arabic inspired gold that reflects light like a dream. I love this palette and each shade and how blendable they are, but I do wish they were a little bit more pigmented and long lasting. However, they are all gorge shades and on the inexpensive side, so if you're curious on Inglot eyeshadows, give them a go.

Cocoa Palmers Lotion

Discovered this whilst doing my Christmas shopping last week and it's probably my best buy of these few months. My skin has taken a severe battering since summer began- my allergies kicked in, and I get itchiness and dry skin when the allergy demons come to visit. I used to have severe problems with my allergies to dust mites when I was a little girl- and they were pretty much gone, until earlier this year. I've had dry, itchy, flaky, scarred skin for months now- my legs and my arms are the worst places. I've gone through so many body oils and moisturisers, so many that I actually ran out of lotions (if you saw how many creams and lotions I get at Christmas, you'd be shocked at this). So I picked this up- and it is wonderful. It's thick, creamy, smells amazo, absorbs in quick, leaves my skin feeling super soft, and most of all, moisturises, heals up dry patches and works. If you suffer with dry skin, this is a winner. If you do get anything out of this post, make sure to buy this lotion and the Garnier Micellar Water as they will change your life forever.

Junior Cert

Not so much a favourite (faaaaaaaar from it, tbh) but worthy to mention anyway. When you get to secondary school in Ireland (13-12 years of age) you begin a 3 year curriclum for your very first state examination- the Junior Certificate. It consists of 12 subjects, and I did 5 projects to go along with it, all higher level subjects and 2 nerve wrecking weeks of exams in June at the end of the 3 years. It is so much work now that I think about it, and because the Junior Cert is going to be reformed here in Ireland, it is going to be continous assesment based from now on, with no state exam. Even though I now have the experience of state exams, to go back to school and begin an entire new, harder, complex curriclum for the Leaving Cert (the exam you do when you finish school) is a little disheartening, especially after all of my hard for for the stupid JC. Regardless, I was so thrilled with my results and I'm glad it's over now.

Lorde's Pure Heroine

I'm just going to say it- I loove Lorde. Pure Heroine came out a while ago now, but it's very obvious that she's a remarkable teenager- at only 17 years of age, Lorde has 2 Grammys, 3 WMA's, Mockingjay soundtrack and a platnium album. I admire her and plan to blog about her soon- she is all the world needs music wise. I love her electropop and indie vibes. I have been listening to this since the summer, and my Instagram is stained heavily with touches of her, shamelessly. My faves incluse A World Alone, Ribs and Buzzcut Season. Get this album and pray to it, it is flawless in every way.

Lana Del Rey's Ultraviolence

I of course loved my queen's new album, Ultraviolence. I mentioned it in a Life Lately and I even wrote a looong post on it , so do give those a read! Lana is probably the closest thing I have to a religion- she is pure perfection.


Of course, one of my definite highlights of this year was visiting Amsterdam in mid July. Even though it was only for a weekend, I cannot wait to go back- it is such a beautiful city, lined with canals and terraced colourful buildings, littered with beautiful blond tall lads, pavements dented with racing bicycle tyres, a large cloud of softly flavoured but pungent cannibis hovering above the city- elements of art, history and familiar boldness lie deep within the city, and I loved every part of it. It is truly wonderful, do go and visit if you possibly can- every corner is colourful and noteworthy. 

The 1975

I fell in love with The 1975 late 2013, and my love continued all through 2014. I wrote a blog post on their frontman, Matty Healy, and he definitely makes the band what it is- I love Matthew, not necessarily because of his looks (gasp) but because of the things he says, how he carries himself, his behaviour and profound opinion on issues. The 1975's music is upbeat, catchy, somehow 90's and vintage, with a really unique sound- I've listened to them practically everywhere, their music makes things so much more fun and gives you a break from the bubblegum pop trash that plays on the radio nowdays (no I don't care if you can shake shake it like you're *supposed* to, I have other things to worry about tbh). Their debut self titled album is a love letter to their teenage selves, and if it wasn't for Matty and his personal involvement in the writing, it wouldn't be as meaningful as it is. Their new album is meant to come out September 2015, and I literally cannot wait (except I will be in Leaving Cert by then, oh my god kill me now). 

In general, I didn't have the most exciting year- but I got quite a lot of things finished, travelled and grew up as a person quite a bit. Some relationships ended and others changed quite a lot, but now it's done and dusted- and to be honest, I couldn't be more excited for 2015. I feel like I am ready for a lot of new things and like I am more myself than ever- here's to a great year! *imaginary pink bubbly glass clink*

Thank you so much for reading this year! This little blog is over 17,000 pageviews now, and I couldn't be happier that people read it and keep coming back to it. I am so thankful for every sweetie that has ever read this blog- and hopefully I will have enough courage to start a Youtube in 2015, but don't get too excited haha! 

Gaby x

Saturday 27 December 2014

Life Lately: September, October, November

Hello to all of my sweeties- I'm sorry it's been so long, I had exams and other things to worry about, and unfortunately sweetlikecinnamon got pushed to the back seat. Never fear, as I am back with a few blog posts to keep you going over the holidays- I've missed blogging so much and even writing this feels very grounding.

Before I launch you head-first into all my Farewell to 2014 and Christmas posts, I'm doing a Life Lately- my favourite kind of posts to write. It really gives me an outlook as to what I've done over the past few months and gives you an idea of what kind of a person I am. Also, I loathe Monthly Favourites so this is my version. Hope you like!


Eyeliner w/ Real Techniques Fine Liner brush and Catrice Liquid Ink

This is my new favourite way of doing winged liner- starting off with gel using a fine brush, and then going over the top with liquid liner. The gel ensures staying power, and the liquid sets it and adds colour and shine. I use the Essence Gel Eyeliner, a Real Techniques Fine Liner brush and Catrice Liquid Ink.

Catrice Berry Bradshaw Lipstick

I love this lipstick. I was on the search for a winter berry shade last year, but copped on to the whole trend too late and spring dawned (d'oh). I picked this up in early October, and I adore it. I wore it to Ed Sheeran, and I feel a bold lip works best with flawless, matt skin, flushed cheeks, defined brows and black long winged liner, and that's how I wear it. The lipstick itself is a deep oxblood wine colour, with red undertones. It's gorgeous and creamy, with a shine, but it's not too longlasting. It's definitely been my winter go-to shade, I feel everyone should own a deep toned lippy.

Mascara: Maybelline's The Falsies and NYC Big Curl

A year or so ago, I told you sweeties about my mascara trick and now I have a new one, still more or less the same. I now use the NYC Big Curl, but instead of its usual wand, I use the Maybelline Falsies wand. It's a really good wand, seperates, coats and volumises your lashes evenly, and I love the formula, it gives a lot of length to my lashes. I apply two coats usually, and I've been getting a lot of compliments on my lashes recently.


River Island Vintage Slim Mom Jeans

Oh, mom jeans. High and low I searched for a pair, all spring, all summer. I finally came across my ideal pair in River Island- I was torn between Topshop and RI, as Topshop had a more modern ripped pair, but I wanted the RI version, a high waisted, faded denim pair. I am so in love with these, they are my first pair of proper high waisted jeans, in good quality thick denim. They even have all cute little vintage details to them, like the 'v' cutout at the back, and a brown patch on the belt line at the back, a very cool Levis feel. I now am obsessed with tucking things into them.

Topshop Leather Booties
Me and mother are great for picking up bargains on sale, or for snapping good brands up cheaper. These are a perfect example- we were out shopping, and saw these on sale for 20e- real leather and all. They are perfect for ever changing Irish weather- we haven't had a proper cold winter for years, and especially this year, it is probably the warmest winter yet- 10 degrees :O- so I've been wearing these lovelies the whole time. They have a solid heel that makes that heel-clicking noise when you walk, and because they're leather, no rain can get in. Topshop always ticks the box for me, it is such a winner, every season- however their price tags make me cry tbh.

Gold Accessories

I feel like gold is the colour this season- on your eyelids, your nails, and it always has been the colour when it came to jewellery. I have a good few fake and real gold pieces now- but my faves have been these cube earrings, this triangle double necklace and these Dorothy Perkins midi rings. They suit every outfit and look so ladylike, I wear this set everywhere with every outfit.



I had been meaning to watch Trainspotting for a while- I kept seeing Trainspotting Tumblr posts (I don't even have a Tumblr) on blogs and things and seeing as Violet E loves it so much, I decided to finally watch it. It is sooo good, like all the bad things you've ever wanted to do in a film. It is a work of art, the scenes are strung together, each shot so well crafted, well directed, with a purpose, a meaning, in every shot. The plotline follows Renton and his on-again off-again heroin addiction, his freakish love life with a 16 year old, his persistent parents, his wild friends and maps out his philosophical conscience. As Renton narrates his life, Edinburgh is described as 'the lowest of the low' as he tries to clean up his act. It is a piece of extremely well made British cinema, and is even more remarkable as it was made with just under 1million pounds. I watched it during my Halloween mid term break, and I have now seen it probably around 10 times- and each time I learn something new.
Ed Sheeran Live

Squint and you'll spot Ed in the middle of us on the stage! A few months ago, one of my faves Sarah invited me to go see Ed Sheeran in the 3Arena with her in October, and obviously I said yes. I had never been to a concert before, and I did think that seeing Eddy would be a fairly quiet affair, but I couldn't be more wrong. He has an amazing stage presence, and he made is so upbeat and fun- I was dancing, and badly singing and clapping the night away. He's such a sweetheart, after singing his first song (I'm A Mess, btw) he goes 'Hey everyone, I'm Ed' and I actually died.

Twinnings Camomile Spiced Apple Tea

Sorry for the most generic photograph of a tea box ever, I had to get this one off Google Images because mother threw the box out. Sigh. Anyway, I've been curling up each evening in front of I'm A Celeb with a cup of tea- this Twinnings one is soooo good. I bought a box after watching Emma Blackery's Boxes of Foxes video on herbal teas, and she is so right- this tastes unreal. I never really liked camomile tea, but I got really used to it after trying this. It calms and relaxes you, and is really good for your system. I haven't really noticed any changes health-wise, but it's a really nice tea to sip at when you're chilling.

Thank you so much for reading! I have a few more blog posts lined up so stay tuned for those later!

Gaby x

Monday 3 November 2014

How to Fall Asleep Better

Hello again to all of my sweeties- it is that time of year again, where the clocks go back, the pavements seem to freeze and one jumper is simply not enough. I'm going to admit, autumn is not my favourite season and winter really can suck sometimes, so it's important to keep our mind and body balanced- and sleep is the magic fairy dust in solving almost every problem. When we sleep, our body rests, we refuel, and with a good nights sleep, it's easier to concentrate, complete tasks and be in a good mood. However, if we are sleep deprived, we feel rubbish- we are grumpy, we have those horrible bruises under the eyes, and we are simply exhausted the entire day. Thus, it is super important to get a good nights sleep, every night.

I never had problems with falling sleep until I started secondary school. I go to bed early, I listen to some music, and then try to fall asleep. There are some nights I don't fall asleep until well after midnight, resulting in being tired and unable to focus properly in school the next day. I have come up with a few tips and tricks that help me fall asleep, and I want to share them with you, as hopefully they may help you in getting your beauty sleep each night :)


If you're Irish, the ole 'tae' is probably a big part of your life already- some of my friends drink up to 3 or 4 cups a day (madness). Whether you like yours milky, extra sweet or black, make sure to make your favourite tea an hour before you go to bed. I like mine with a slice of lemon and half a teaspoon of honey, in my gorge Van Gogh: Irises mug from Amsterdam. I drink the Twinning's English Breakfast tea, it tastes unreal. Tea really calms and soothes all the anxieties of the day away- herbal teas also help to clear your skin and your system, but I'm not too keen on the taste sadly :(

Fresh Sheets

Fresh sheets are what keeps me going during the cold seasons- I always bring an extra duvet in and sleep with two, as I am forever cold. Having fresh, crisp sheets to snuggle in, especially if you have a teddy (or Brooklyn Beckham, whatever your taste) to cuddle, can make falling asleep so much easier. Falling asleep amidst warm heavy sheets and blankets is definitely one of my favourite things of the winter.

Sleep Remedies

Sleep remedies are products used to help you to fall asleep, or to sleep better. Some people don't use them and they may not work for others, however I find that mine do work in calming me down. I use Avon's Sleeptherapy, and I've had these two for ever. The first is a scented pillow spray, which you spray on your pillow or sheets before going to bed, and the smell is supposed to calm you down and help you fall asleep. I also have the Sleeptherapy Balm- and this actually works- which you rub a little bit on your wrists and temples before going to bed. The balm ensures you sleep soundly and peacefully the whole night, without waking up, and find it really helpful.


Reading is one of the easiest and well known ways to make you ease into sleep. Obviously, if you're reading a mind-gripping crime novel, it won't leave you too much at peace, but a drama novel does no harm. If you're not too keen on books, reading a magazine, usually filled with a lot of visual content, de-stresses you and makes falling asleep much easier. I love thumbing through Vogue or the novel I'm currently reading, The Help by Kathryn Stockett before bed.


Having a bath is one of the best ways to relax and calm down after a long day. I love always adding something into the water, like bubbles, salts or bath bombs. Lush is obviously amazing for this, as they do unreal bath melts, bath bombs and body treats. I don't really have time to take baths that often, so I shower before bed using a gorge smelling and moisturizing body wash, like this one, and make sure to use lotion afterwards. Using a body moisturizer is extremely important during the cold months, to keep skin supple and avoid dry patches. I've had a tough time with my skin this year, between allergies and itchiness, so I keep it basic with this Dove Purely Pampering Nourishing Lotion.


Listening to music as you're trying to fall asleep is something I'm never too sure of- I can never figure out whether its a good thing to do or not. Some people say that listening to music distracts you from falling asleep, but for me, it's the last thing I do at night and the first thing I do as soon as I wake up- I listen to my iPod. Currently, I'm loving Lorde's Pure Heroine album- all of the songs are so different, and so good to listen to.

The Worry People

I really am not a very superstitious person, and I don't believe in four leaf clovers or walking under ladders- however this isn't really based on any kind of magic. The Guatemalan Worry People are available to buy in health shops, and their concept is really interesting- they're based on how Guatemalan people used to make tiny little people, and before bed each night, tell the people all their worries and anxieties. When put under your pillow for the night, your worries would dissapear as the worry people would do the worrying for you. Hence, the load would be lifted off your mind and you would fall asleep carefree, and wake up carefree. I do have my own Worry People, and I can't say that this geniunely works, but the concept is very true- as soon as you actually voice your problems, they seem minor and maybe even a little silly at times. The Worry People become like a therapist of sorts, that listen to your problems- and hopefully take them away. They are inexpensive and definitely something to try out.

Clean and Tidy Surroundings

In order to achieve a good night's sleep, the bedroom you sleep in should be in order and de-cluttered, so make sure to find some time every day to do a rough tidy up and cleaning sesh in your room- and save the hoovering for the weekends. Tidy room, tidy mind.

Getting Stuff Done

Being an anxious person, I need to get all my homework and whatever work I need to do done in advance, as I hate leaving things till the last minute. When you go to bed, it's natural to lie there and think about all the things you still have to do, so ensure to get them all done during the day, or plan ahead, by writing them all down and ticking them off. This will ensure that when you do get to bed, you're not being anxious about how much you have to do. Keeping a diary, whether to write down feelings or plan ahead, is also a good idea.

Writing Down Thoughts

Writing down thoughts and feelings, like getting stuff done, is a good way of getting things out of your way. Much like the Worry People, this is probably a more effective way of clearing your head and helping anxieties go away. One of the most effective ways of dealing with mental issues is by writing them down, as often as you like.

Sleep Schedule

Being a teenager, I looove staying up late watching Breaking Bad and drooling over Joey Essex's face (can we not pls) but this means that on the weekends, I end up going to bed at 1 or 2 am, and then on Mondays I'm trying to fall asleep at 11pm or so. Unfortunately, this doesn't work and I don't fall asleep until 1 am. Having a proper sleep schedule is one of the most easiest ways to fall asleep- eventually you will, if you go to bed before midnight every night and get up for school or even at the weekends, you get enough sleep every night. That's my new rule- I have to be in bed by 1 am, weekend or not.  Obviously some exceptions to apply (nights out and stuff) but this ensures I get enough sleep, always.

I really should listen to myself as I have just gotten back to school from mid term, and now I'm suffering with serrrriouss cases of lost sleep haha :). Please remember that if you have real trouble with falling asleep/getting any sleep due to unknown reasons, do contact a professional. 

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you sweeties had a good Halloween! Trick or treaters are officially my new favourite thing in the world.

Gaby x

Sunday 19 October 2014

Life Lately: Spring, Summer

Hello again to all of my sweeties, today I am here to reminisce about the summer. I actually cannot get over how quick it went this year- I love sleeping in late and the warm weather too much to let it go so easily haha:) I really haven't done enough Life Lately's this year, so here is a summer one- things I loved and will miss about this summer.


Bourjois Delice De Poudre Bronzing Powder

I took a trip to the Vilnius city centre on my last day there for the last time, and I decided that it was time for me to finally indulge in this bronzer. I've seen more or less every blogger looovee this, and now I know why- it smells amazing to begin with, so much so that every time I use it, my room and blush brush is left smelling unreal- the bronzer has a chocolate-y, floral light scent and it even looks like chocolate in its packaging- which I'm not too fond of, I don't really like powders in cardboard pallets. Mine is in the shade 51, which is one of the lightest, and because I'm only new to bronzer, this means I don't ever end up orange. In the lighter shades, this is like a complexion enhancer too- it makes you look more radiant and awake as well as tanned and contoured. I'm super happy with it, and it's so gorgeous on the skin, and it can be layered too. To be honest, it puzzles me how I lived without bronzer up until now!

Sleek Blush By Three in Pumpkin 363

I bought this at the end of summer, after I discovered that my local pharmacy actually stocked Sleek (!!). Their blushes were the first I saw, and it took me forever to choose a palette. This contains P Pie, Squash and Lantern (L-R). These colours are so pretty, and unbelievably pigmented- you really do need a tiny amount, but I love how intense each colour is. My favourite is P Pie, as it looks gorgeous blended with the Bourjois powder. The Lantern shade may seem a little full-on (it is a very true orange) but it actually doubles up as a bronzer and blush once applied.
I have P Pie on my cheeks, and Kate Moss x Rimmel shade 01 on my lips

Rimmel 660 In Love With Ginger Lipstick

Since I got back from Amsterdam, I was on a mission for an orange lipstick- I thought about Mac's Lady Danger, but then I discovered this. This is a gorgeous, true orange, with soft red undertones, so its a good shade to go for if you're not feeling too brave. Lippies with blue undertones can often be little too harsh for me, and make me look a little pale and washed out. As a summery shade, this is gorgeous- I took mine straight from the bullet, and got a lot of compliments in return.

Top two- In Love with Ginger and Bourjois Bronzing Powder
Bottom three are Sleek Blushes

Nirvana T Shirt
I have developed a weird tradition with Nirvana t shirts- every summer I get a new one. This was this summers one- a distressed grey with acid yellow. And here's me, looking nothing short of fabulous in it (not haha). I love the band, (I'm listening to Where Did You Sleep Last Night and The Man Who Sold The World as I write this haha) I love Kurt's raspy vocals, and I love even more how these go with absolutely everything- jeans, skirts, shorts. I really want a tie dye one, it would be the dream.

Levi's Vintage Shorts

Every fashionista's and blogger's dream is to snap up a pair of cheap, legit vintage Levi's shorts- and I came across mine very unexpectedly in a little vintage shop tucked away beside Vilnius' Rotuse- thanks to Emilija for showing me the way! For under 10Lt, I got my very first pair of Levis- these used to be the actual jean, white, with the bottoms rolled. They fit me comfortably and cosily, and surpisingly, are the first pair of shorts my derriere doesn't peek out of (I was brought to this realization by my very own mother). They're a little worn, a little tattered, tough and undoubtedly, Levi's. They are high waisted and I actually don't need a belt for them- something that barely ever happens to me.

River Island Silver Platforms

I came across these beauties in a charity shop in the middle of summer, and even though they really aren't the most comfiest thing in the world (I'm always left with blisters :( ) I love them to death, just because they look pretty.


Lana Del Rey's Ultraviolence

Obviously, I have been loving Ultraviolence over the summer. It is amazing, all I ever wanted it to be. I wrote a blog post on it, so make sure to check it out, and give Lana a listen. My faves include Brooklyn Baby, Sad Girl, Old Money and Shades of Cool. Her husky vocals always remind me of summer- it's unreal how music can do that.

Breaking Bad

I discovered Breaking Bad at the start of summer-ish, and I only finished it a few nights ago. It is, without a doubt, one of the best shows ever, and it's actually crazy how now I have nothing to get me through the evenings. The plot, the shots, the action, the cleverness and witiness and the richness of each character is unbelievable- I was hooked from Season 1 Episode 1. I miss it like crazy now- I miss Jesse's 'Yo, bitch' every 2 minutes, I miss Walt's scientific solutions to drug problems, I miss Walt Junior's questioning of how mental all this is, and I even miss Marie. I love how normal the show is, with twists of absolute madness. Also, Jesse may be one of the main reasons I started the show- he is kind of gorgeous *love heart eye emoji*

And that's it! Hope you enjoyed my favourites, and do let me know yours! I also hope you guys liked how I actually modelled some of the clothes and makeup for you guys, I feel like you don't seem to see enough of me on here haha! My little blog has recently hit its 2nd birthday, so thank you so much to everyone that has stuck around, I love you!

Gaby x