Saturday 26 November 2016


A few weeks ago, my friend David Gannon, offered to take a few photos of me. Luckily, David also happens to be a photographer.

I'm typing this as I sit in my student accommodation at DCU. I'm officially a university student now, with nights out on the weekdays and lectures. I have a whole new set of friends, lecture friends, sesh friends, bar friends, Hampstead friends, library friends. Life has changed so much in the past 12 months it's actually unbelievable- and now, I'm supposed to be a journalist, something I have been since I was 16. Now, I spend my days writing news articles that are the very opposite of what I want to do with my life- they're boiled down, bare, exact and to the point. They're the most basic use of the English language- there's no poetry, no adjectives, no metaphors. It's the hardcore news, which I don't really read and prefer not to write. For those of you that know me, you'll know that fashion, lifestyle and features are where its at for me, with the hopes of one day publishing a novel.

As I figure out why exactly I have to write a match report for my assignment based on a gaelic match, do enjoy David's beautiful photography. His Instagram handle is @davidgannonphotography

David climbed walls and nearly fell over a few times while we were shooting, but he still managed to get the perfect shot. 

Thank you so much for reading, as always.

All my love

Gaby x