Thursday 31 December 2015

Dear 2015

And so my sweeties, in all the flourish and rush and bustle, another year has come to an end. It's unbelievable how fast 2015 has flown, how productive it has been and how eventful it was. I don't even know where to begin, I can't comprehend how many things happened.

But I hope this letter at least grazes the surface.

Dear 2015,

Dear January, I can't remember you. Dear February, you could have been less harsh. Dear April and March, thank you for Paris. Dear Paris, you are the most beautiful city I have ever visited. The trip itself could have been a lot better, but I fell in love with your balconies and gold statues and the immaculate attention to detail in every street, building and alleyway. I can't wait to go back, but maybe with different company.

Dear Tom Rosenthal, thank you for getting me through a cold spring. Dear Casey Neistat, thank you so much for starting your daily vlogs. They have easily been one of my favourite things this entire year. Dear Roscommon Herald, thank you for letting me into your team, allowing me to work with you and drink your tea. 

Writing in the paper has been easily one of my proudest achievements this year. I got to establish myself as a proper writer, with by-lines and published pieces. That has been honouring for me- my favourite moment this entire year.

Dear May, thank you for turning me 17. Thank you for making me a prefect, it turns out I'm good with words. Dear June, thank you for my exam attendant work. Dear town I live in, your drug scene is messed up real bad. 

I had the most productive summer, even though it doesn't feel like it- I began writing 'Teenage Trends' weekly, did 4 weeks work experience and passed my Driver's Theory Test. I went to Vilnius as per usual. Dear Vilnius Buses, you need to seriously calm with your ticket controls. Dear Vero cafe, your Fresh n' Tasty with Russian Schweppes and watermelon syrup has saved me from dehydration several times now. Dear fit lads in Vilnius, please stop hitting on my mother instead of me. 

Dear September, thank you for making me a Leaving Cert. My last September as a school kid. Dear October, thank you for all the blurry nights out and regrets the next day. Dear November, I never liked you and this year you were no different. Dear anxiety, I finally got rid of you. Dear December, I think it's finally time to realise I'm in Leaving Cert and to start taking all my study properly.

Dear legs, I still don't know how you're so bruised. Dear friends, thank you for putting up with my insane ramblings and rampages. Dear best friends, you're the best decisions I've made this year. Thank you for taking care of me when life gets too much. Dear family, thank you for sticking with me all this time.

There's so many things to look forward to in 2016. The Leaving Cert, getting my full driver's license, more writing, my grad, moving out and starting college. Dear 2015, thank you for preparing me for all these things that still frighten me to death.

Thank you for reading all throughout 2015, and for coming back to this irregularly scheduled little blog.

Gaby x