Sunday 18 January 2015

Photography 2014

Hello to all of my sweeties- I wish you the happiest of new years, 2015 will be amazing, I promise. My first post of the year- (18 days late, whoops) is going to be a photography post. In 2014, I got a DSLR camera and this really motivated me to go out and take beautiful photographs. These are some of my favourites from the year, they are not neccessarily the best but I feel they have elements that make them interesting and different. I took all of these photos, and I loved doing so- photography is one of my new hobbies, I would love to take a course and learn how to do it properly one day- until then, I'm going to keep annoying you with these blog posts haha :) Grab some tea and I hope you enjoy :D

That's it!  I hope I didn't bore you too much haha:) Are any of you photography fanatics? I would love to check out some photography blogs!

Thanks for reading!

Gaby x