Friday 21 February 2014

An Update

Hello all my sweeties!

As you may, or may not have noticed I've been leaving this little blog a little abandoned recently, and well I can only blame the Junior Cert. It's really my little baby that never stops crying- there's always something to do, like projects or fixing things or learning things. Unfortunately, I only finish this stupid year in June, so things are going to be a little slow for a while.

I'm going to try my best with the blog posts, just as usual, but to tell the truth, I've been demotivated and lazy. It sucks because I do love my blog, and won't be stopping it any time soon- it's just that there is more important things to be taken care of at the moment. So I'm just saying I'm sorry things have been a little behind recently!
Saw this is Next ahaha

I need you to comment below or tweet me or DM me (@gabysayshey ) things that you want to see on this blog- whatever it is. More life-related posts, OOTDs, or more photography posts? Whatever it is, let me know! :)

Anyway, I've been spending most of my time playing Candy Crush (level 310 wooo), drooling over pictures of Matty Healy, melting into The 1975's songs, watching Matty Healy's interviews and listening to how amazingly he talks, looks and thinks. I've been baking blueberry muffins and mac and cheese more or less every weekend, and since a few days ago, being tormented by a cold. I loved the Brits this year- fell back in love with Alex Turner after that speech, I mean who didn't. All in all, I'm okay- and I'm happy this stupid winter is nearly over, I can't wait to start wearing denim and leather jackets over Nirvana t-shirts and shorts. 

Matty, being happy

Matty, in his natural habitat and monochrome

I don't care if Alex is 28 now, I'll love him forever

New life motto

Oh Tom Daley 

dat hair tho

So that's me today! I'm off now to finish some stupid homework- whyyyy would you give us homework after the mocks I don't even- and make mac and cheese. Thanks so much for reading!

My Twitter- @gabysayshey

Gaby x