Monday 29 October 2012

My life is not an ordinary one.

I grew up in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, a small country in the east of East of Europe.

I had long light brown hair, I was skinny and had blue eyes. I was just like any other kid, I ate too much chocolate and watched Cartoon Network (it was in English, so I hadn't a bloody clue what the multi-coloured charachters were saying but it never mattered). I talked too loud, I played with my Barbie and Bratz dolls for days on end, I fought with my sister (my trademark move was biting- I was the ultimate brat of a child haha), I loved talking walks in the beautiful city centre and I was always crushing on some boy, just like any other girl in the world.

Then, when I was 8 years old, I moved to Ireland. Throughout the years, I cut off my hair, I wore glasses and then got contacts that highlighted my blue eyes once again. I finished primary school and started secondary school (where I am now), I moved towns, I fantasized about what I wanted to become in the future, I read, I wrote, I created my own style and I self-taught myself how to do my hair and makeup.

I don't think half of those things would have happened to me if, one day in a cold and breezy December, my family hadn't decided to hop on the next plane to Ireland (obviously it didn't happen that fast but you get me). Maybe in some parallel universe somewhere, if they exist, I am still back in Vilnius, doing god knows what.

Anyway, that's the short summary of my short life. This week is midterm- a whole week off from school (about feckin' time:D) and so I will be putting up an another blog- one related to fashion, but what exactly about, you will find out soon.

Gaby x

Saturday 20 October 2012

My First Blog Post

My First Blog Post:)

I'm going to be honest- this feels amazing! A year ago, I didn't even know what a flippin' blog was- and today I'm actually writing one! Finally, that is. It took me a loong time to give myself enough courage to start my own blog, because I kept worrying people won't like it or I was going to get bullied on it or whatever, but now, when I actually am writing this, I really couldn't care less. 
This is my blog. Take it or leave it. :)

Because I'm only starting out I haven't any pictures up, but as time goes on I hope I will put more time and effort into this. Scratch that, I'll make myself. If I really want a career in fashion, then I better start working on it!

I'll be updating my blog once a week or maybe more often, I don't even know yet, but as time goes on I will fit my new blog hobby into my teenage life.

In my next blog, I'll be telling you about myself. Not extremely personal stuff, (pervs don't get excited, hehe) but general information about my life.

Gaby x